Changing Tastes


In November 1923, St. Louis Star-Times reporter Billy Murphy interviewed St. Louis wrestling promoter John Contos. Murphy proposed to Contos that the era of dominant wrestlers like William Muldoon was over. Murphy spoke about the recent match betweenWorld ChampionHardneck Phillips and the game contender Webster O’Malley. Phillips successfully defended his championship by throwing O’Malley after 1 hour, 50

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Muldoon Spars With Sullivan


William Muldoon was the reigning World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion and a noted physical culturist, when Muldoon was engaged by John L. Sullivan’s backers to get their fighter in shape. Sullivan was the reigning World Heavyweight Bare Knuckle Prizefighting Champion. He signed an agreement to meet his toughest challenger, Jake Kilrain, in July 1889. Sullivan admitted he was in bad shape,

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Lewis Frustrates Stecher and Mayor


I “Estrangulador” Lewis and Joe Stecher conducted one of the greatest rivalries of the early arranged professional wrestling exhibition era. Lewis and Stecher wrestled many times including a five and a half hour draw in 1916. Several of their early matches appeared to be legitimate. Legend also has it that Lewis actually had to beat Stecher in a “shoot match”

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Battling Levinsky guanya el primer títol


Ningú va aprofitar l'era No Decision de la boxa professional com Battling Levinsky. Levinsky era un boxejador defensiu hàbil, que va patir poc dany durant les seves baralles. Quan Ring Magazine li va preguntar per què era tan actiu, de vegades prenent 3 baralles en un dia per Nova York, va dir Levinsky, “M'agraden els diners i mai em faig mal.” Levinsky era

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Dr. Roller and Zbyszko Battle to Draw


Dimarts, Març 22, 1910, Dr. Benjamin Roller met Stanislaus Zbyszko in a legitimate wrestling match. Professional wrestling would transition from legitimate contest to staged exhibition between 1910 i 1920. Dr. Benjamin Roller graduated from the University of Pennsylvania by playing professional football. Roller accepted an academic appointment in physiology where he assisted in the writing of a textbook. Dr.

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Wladek Zbyszko Loses Unexpectedly


Wladek Zbyszko’s legacy is often overshadowed by his brother Stanislaus Zbyszko. Stanislaus, qui va ser 12 years older, posed the last real threat to Frank Gotch’s World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Wladek Zbyszko was a skilled wrestler in his own right. Desafortunadament, he didn’t arrive in the United States until 1914, when most wrestling matches were prearranged. Wladek had proved his bona

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Charley Olson Kills Wrestler


I’ve frequently found the biggest challenge in researching early professional wrestling is separating fact from fiction. Even when the wrestlers competed in legitimate matches, they often inflated outcomes, built up apocryphal folklore around their victories and made up fanciful tales to explain away their losses. Professional wrestling sprang from the carnivals and retained the promotional instincts of this art. St.

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Stanislaus Zbyszko Perdudes L'ex boxejador


Al gener 10, 1910, recently arrived Polish wrestler Stanislaus Zbyszko took on Charlie “The Kid” Cutler in a best two-out-of-three falls match. Cutler had been a boxer in a troupe run by John L. Sullivan before transitioning to wrestling. While Cutler was extremely tough, Stanislaus Zbyszko had been wrestling since his youth. Zbyszko would use these skills to overcome Cutler

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Allen lluita contra Mace pel títol mundial


Tom Allen va néixer a Birmingham, Anglaterra però va lluitar algunes de les seves baralles més famoses a Amèrica. En 1867, Allen es va traslladar a St. Louis, la ciutat més gran a l'oest del Mississipí. Allen mai va marxar i utilitzaria St. Louis com a base per entrenar-se per a lluites de premis. Allen va lluitar principalment en lluites de premis a nus nu, ja que la boxa americana no ho seria

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