Підвищений до 4-го Дану

Присуджено 4-й дан 31 січня 2020 р

На четвер, Січень 31, 2020, Гросмейстер Пет Весеман підвищив мене до 4-го Дану з тхеквондо в класі просунутих. Коли я почав заняття з гросмейстером Весеманом та її чоловіком Артом, Я не передбачав досягнення цієї віхи. Спочатку я почав відвідувати заняття зі своїм племінником Джимом навесні 1995. Після одруження в 1996, Я кілька разів перестав відвідувати заняття

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Zbyszko Double Crosses Trio


Rarely does one fundamentally alter their profession but Stanislaus Zbyszko did just that on April 15, 1925 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Zbyszko defeated Wayne Munn in one of the last shoot (not staged) professional wrestling matches in the United States. It was a shoot or legitimate match because Zbyszko double crossed the “Goldust Trio” wrestling promotion and beat Munn for the

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Sam Langford KOs BattlinJim Johnson


У вівторок, Грудень 12, 1916, Sam Langford defended the “Colored World Heavyweight Boxing Championship”, which he won from Sam McVea in February 1916. Між 1904 і 1919, the best African-American boxers, or black Canadians like Langford, were stuck fighting each other forColoredChampionship. If a white fighter did fight them, it was only to develop their own reputation to

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Корсар (1931)


Roland V. West directed fourteen films in his career. Critics consider three of his films to be excellent. West directed the silent thriller The Bat in 1926. West directed his most acclaimed film, Alibi (1929), which resulted in an Oscar nomination for his friend Chester Morris. У 1930, West and Morris again collaborated on his last classic, The Bat Шепіт,

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Джеффріс нокаутує Джексона


James J. Джеффріс домінував в американському боксі у важкій вазі 1899 для 1904. Після перемоги на чемпіонаті світу з боксу у важкій вазі у Боба Фіцсіммонса в 1899, Джеффріс зробив 9 успішний захист титулу протягом наступних п'яти років. Він пішов у відставку непереможеним у 1905 перш ніж бути заманеним назад для нещасливого повернення проти великого Джека Джонсона. Джеффріс не вигравав свої поєдинки з чудовим боксом

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How Did Alex Aberg Die?


I decided to start 2020 by using two examples from professional wrestling to discuss why you would change a historical account you wrote in the past. In writing history, you are limited by the available sources on the subject matter. Primary sources like diaries, official records and autobiographies are very valuable. Other sources like newspapers are good as well but

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Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941)


Republic Pictures produced many quality movie serials in the 1930s and 1940s. One of their finer offerings was Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941), a twelve chapter serial (affiliate link) based on the popular comic book super hero. Captain Marvel is known as Shazam today. Billy Batson, played by Frank Coghlan, Молодший, accompanies the Malcolm Expedition to Siam. While searching an

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Lewis Takes Title Back from Munn


On the same day Joe Stecher wrestled Stanislaus Zbyszko for the recognized version of the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in St. Луїс, І “Душитель” Lewis challenged “Великий” Wayne Munn for his disputed Michigan-Illinois World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Lewis dropped the title to Munn in February 1925. In April 1925, Zbyszko defeated Munn in a famous double-cross. The match between Lewis and

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Jake Kilrain Knocked Out in 21 Rounds


Jake Kilrain is best known as the last and toughest challenger to John L. Sullivan in the last bare knuckle world championship fight. Despite Kilrain’s inability to beat John L. Sullivan, he had a successful career both before and after the bout with the mighty Sullivan. Fighting for 10 more years in gloved bouts, Kilrain was mostly successful but on

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