Matsuda Wins First Match


Sorakichi Matsuda originally trained in sumo wrestling. When Matsuda decided to become a catch-as-catch-can wrestler, he was forced to travel to the United States. Professional wrestling would not become popular in Japan until the middle of the Twentieth Century. Upon arriving in the United States in 1883, it took Matsuda a few months to secure a match. Finalment es va assegurar

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xoc, vol. 2

logotip de l'acadèmia-zimmerman

amb Xoc, vol. 2 (Enllaç d'afiliat d'Amazon), Roberto Pedreira recull la història de Jiu-Jitsu en el que considera el seu apogeu al Brasil, 1950 – 1960. A més de Carlos i Helio Gracie, diverses altres acadèmies, com la d'Oswaldo Fadda, També van ser prosperant. El judo anava guanyant popularitat, però no havia superat el Jiu-Jitsu en popularitat. Els partits de Vale Tudo van estar a l'altura

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The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939)


Aquesta pel·lícula (affiliate link) va ser la primera pel·lícula de Sherlock Holmes protagonitzada per Basil Rathbone com Holmes. Sidney Lanfield directed The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939) for Twentieth-Century Fox. Nigel Bruce co-stars as Dr. John Watson. Rathbone and Bruce would play Holmes and Watson in thirteen subsequent films, one more for Twentieth-Century Fox and twelve for Universal Pictures. Aquesta pel·lícula és una

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Aberg Tempts Gotch


En realitat, Samuel Rachman, who promoted both the 1915 International Wrestling Tournament and Greco-Roman World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Aleksander “Alex” Aberg, tried to lure retired World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch into the tournament. Rachman hoped to bolster Aberg’s claim as the successor to Gotch. Rachman offered Gotch $20,000 to wrestle Aberg in May 1915. El torneig de Rachman havia de començar dimecres

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Farmer Burns Wears Out Jack King


Martin “Farmer” Burns reportedly trained over 1,000 wrestlers in his career as America’s foremost wrestling trainer. Però, Burns was a great wrestler in his own right. Before he retired to train wrestlers full-time, Burns won the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Evan “El Estrangulador” Lewis in 1895. Burns held the title for two years. En 1893, Burns estava quiet

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Partit més gran de Stanislaus Zbyszko?


No one can question that Stanislaus Zbyszko was a great wrestler. Va començar la lluita lliure quan el joc professional seguia sent una competència real. Ell va continuar sent un èxit després que el partit va canviar de treballats (prearranged) llumins. De fet, va participar en un concurs de rodatge, when he legitimately defeated Big Wayne Munn for the title in 1925 fent doble travessa als seus promotors.

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