Matsuda Wins First Match


Sorakichi Matsuda originally trained in sumo wrestling. When Matsuda decided to become a catch-as-catch-can wrestler, he was forced to travel to the United States. Professional wrestling would not become popular in Japan until the middle of the Twentieth Century. Upon arriving in the United States in 1883, it took Matsuda a few months to secure a match. He finally secured

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Francis Mosblech Marries Rosemary Kalt


On February 23, 1946, my great uncle Francis Mosblech married Rosemary Kalt at St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church. The 23-year old Francis had recently returned from service in the U.S. Army during World War II. Aunt Rosemary was the daughter of Mr. と夫人. ウィリアム·J. Kalt. Father Clarence Winkler officiated the ceremony. The March 3, 1946 edition of

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ショック, 巻. 2


チョーク付き, 巻. 2 (アマゾンのアフィリエイトリンク), ロベルト・ペドレイラは、ブラジルにおける全盛期と考えられるブラジリアン柔術の物語を取り上げます, 1950 – 1960. カルロスとエリオ・グレイシーのほかに, 他のいくつかのアカデミー, オズワルド・ファッダのような, も繁盛していました. 柔道の人気は高まっていましたが、人気では柔術を超えるには至っていませんでした. ヴァーリトゥードの試合は最高潮に達した

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The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939)


このフィルム (affiliate link) was the first Sherlock Holmes film starring Basil Rathbone as Holmes. Sidney Lanfield directed The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939) for Twentieth-Century Fox. Nigel Bruce co-stars as Dr. ジョン·ワトソン. Rathbone and Bruce would play Holmes and Watson in thirteen subsequent films, one more for Twentieth-Century Fox and twelve for Universal Pictures. This film is a

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Aberg Tempts Gotch


実際に, Samuel Rachman, who promoted both the 1915 International Wrestling Tournament and Greco-Roman World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Aleksander “アレックス” ABERG, tried to lure retired World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch into the tournament. Rachman hoped to bolster Aberg’s claim as the successor to Gotch. Rachman offered Gotch $20,000 to wrestle Aberg in May 1915. ラックマンのトーナメントは水曜日に始まる予定だった

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Farmer Burns Wears Out Jack King


マーティン “ファーマー” Burns reportedly trained over 1,000 wrestlers in his career as America’s foremost wrestling trainer. <スパンbbox_x = "14" fweight = "3"赤= "255"緑= "255"青= "255"アルファ= "=" 244 "bbox_y =" 627 "bbox_w =" 56 "bbox_h =" 20 "FSIZE, Burns was a great wrestler in his own right. Before he retired to train wrestlers full-time, Burns won the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Evan “ラングラー” Lewis in 1895. Burns held the title for two years. で 1893, Burns was still

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No one can question that Stanislaus Zbyszko was a great wrestler. プロゲームは、まだ実際の競争だったとき、彼はレスリングを始めた. ゲームが働いたに変更した後に彼が成功するために続け (prearranged) マッチ. 実際には, 彼はシュートコンテストに参加した, when he legitimately defeated Big Wayne Munn for the title in 1925 彼のプロモーターを二重に交差させることによって.

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Jail Break and Murder


When William Rudolph broke out of the St. Louis Jail on Independence Day 1903, the newspapers called it an act of unprecedented daring. <スパンbbox_x = "14" fweight = "3"赤= "255"緑= "255"青= "255"アルファ= "=" 244 "bbox_y =" 627 "bbox_w =" 56 "bbox_h =" 20 "FSIZE, twenty-two years earlier, Frank Fone and John D. Shea broke out of the St. Louis Jail the same way. Fone and Shea were local criminals, who frequented the Downtown area. Shea was violent, while Fone was

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The Woman in Green (1945)


The Woman in Green (1945) is the ninth of twelve Sherlock Holmes produced by Universal Pictures. ベイジル・ラスボーンは、14ターンの11番目にホームズとしてイギリスの探偵として戻ってきます. The film is one of the few “B” series films, which could have been an “A” フィルム. Sherlock Holmes investigates the murder of several young London women. 彼らの後

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