緋色の研究 (1933)


Reginald Owen stars as Sherlock Holmes in one of the early American talking motion picture adaptations of Sherlock Holmes. 緋色の研究 (1933) (affiliate link) sees Holmes trying to solve murders among a group of confederates. Arthur Wontner starred in several successful English adaptations of the series, which probably inspired Hollywood to follow suit. 残念ながら, レジナルド・オーウェンはそうしなかった

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氏. Moto Takes a Vacation (1939)


7月 7, 1939, Twentieth Century-Fox Films released the final Mr. モーション “B” film starring Peter Lorre as Inspector Kentaro Moto. 氏. モトは休暇を取る. Moto accompanying the Queen of Sheba’s Crown from its discovery in an Egyptian archaeological site to a San Francisco museum. 氏. Moto suspects the arch criminal Metaxess, who authorities believed was dead, 意図する

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“Terrible” Terry Beats Dixon for Title


1月には 5, 1900, four days before a showdown with Bantamweight Boxing Champion Terry McGovern, Featherweight World Boxing Champion George Dixon made an announcement to chill the spine of all his supporters. Dixon announced that win or lose, he would be retiring from the ring after the bout with McGovern. The last thing a manager wants to hear before a

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ブラックレイヴン (1943)


ブラックレイヴン (1943) です “B” フィルム (affiliate link) プロデューサーズ・リリーシング・コーポレーションより (中国). ジョージ・ズッコはレイヴンことエイモス・ブラッドフォードを演じる, ブラックレイブンインの所有者. ブラッドフォードは何人かの予期せぬゲストをもてなすことになる, 激しい雷雨から逃れている人たち. 嵐ですべての橋が流され、訪問者たちは立ち往生した, which include a couple trying to elope,

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John Riley Collects Poll Tax


My second great-grandfather John Riley Deweese served as Welch Township Republican Committee Chairman in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri for most of his adult life. Besides holding party caucuses in his home, John Riley served as Road Commissioner in the 1910s. Residents mostly traversed the roads by horse and buggy. 政府が道路料金を徴収するために使用するメカニズムの 1 つ

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Bulldog Drummond at Bay (1937)


7月 5, 1937, Associated British Picture Corporation released Bulldog Drummond at Bay (1937), one of the last Bulldog Drummond feature films (affiliate link). この映画の中で, John Davis Lodge plays Captain Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond. Drummond is vacationing, スコットランドの科学者が数人の秘密諜報員から逃亡したとき. The scientist throws a rock through the window of Drummond’s cabin.

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