I “Estrangulador” Lewis Wins Title in 1920


Dilluns, Desembre 13, 1920, I “Estrangulador” Lewis va guanyar el primer dels sis Campionats Mundials de Lluita Pes Pesat de Joe Stecher. The fact he won the title from his biggest rival and business enemy must have been particularly satisfying. Un any abans d'aquest partit, Stecher i Lewis es van enfrontar en un partit que va durar més de tres hores. Lewis va cometre un error mental

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Misteriós Sr.. Moviment (1938)


A l'octubre 14, 1938, 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation released the fifth of eight Mr. Moto Films starring Peter Lorre as Interpol Policeman Kentaro Moto. In Mysterious Mr. Moviment (1938), Sr. Moto infiltrates a prison and helps a prisoner escape to discover the plans of his criminal organization. Sr. Moto breaks international criminal Paul Brissac, played by Leon Ames, out of

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Wrestler Saves Drowning Priest


George Baptiste spent about twenty years serving as St. Louis’ resident all-around athlete before taking over the company, Baptiste Tent and Awning, founded by his father Alexander Baptiste. Besides plying his trade as an occasional but accomplished professional wrestler, Baptise was a powerful swimmer. A l'agost 11, 1900, Baptiste used his swimming skills to save another St. Louisan from drowning.

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Prelude to 1912 Elecció Presidencial


Theodore Roosevelt va prendre una decisió fatídica en la jornada electoral 1904. Va anunciar després de ser elegit a la Presidència per dret propi després d'ascendir a l'oficina en l'assassinat de William McKinley que no postularia per a un nou mandat en 1908. Roosevelt had served almost a full term before his election as McKinley was assassinated in September 1901.

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