مطلق النار في عالم العمل متاح

بدأ جون "The Nebraska Tigerman" Pesek المصارعة بشكل احترافي 1915, لكن Pesek كان أكثر ملاءمة لـ 1885 حلقة مصارعة محترفة. من قبل 1915, عمل المصارعون مبارياتهم.

قام المصارع الماهر في الوزن الخفيف، كلارنس إكلوند، بتدريب بيسيك على المصارعة التي يمكن اصطيادها.. تطورت Pesek إلى عاهرة ماهرة أو مصارع تقديم. لم يحب Pesek أبدًا مسابقات العمل والمصارعة في بداية حياته المهنية.

غلاف كتاب مطلق النار في عالم العمل

Shooter in A Worked World Book Cover

أخيرا, Pesek did work with his opponents but still preferred to wrestle legitimate contests. <تمتد bbox_x = "359" bbox_y = "1385" bbox_w = "12" bbox_h = "20" fsize = "14" fweight = "3" أحمر = "255" أخضر = "255" أزرق = "255" ألفا = " 1921, Jack Curley engaged Pesek to end a promotional war by booking Pesek in a legitimate contest.

Two year later, Pesek wrestled a second legitimate contest but instead of ending a promotional war, Pesek started a promotional war. Later Pesek double-crossed the current world champion after working with the champion in two earlier matches.

After the double-cross, promoters still booked Pesek into three world championship reigns. Despite worries about who would take the title off Pesek, if he did not want to lose it, promoters still put the title on Pesek.

Pesek eventually became a millionaire but not through his professional wrestling career. Pesek bred and raced greyhound racing dogs. في 1970s, eighty percent of the greyhound racing dogs in the United States descended from two Pesek’s Australian greyhounds Andy and Just Andrew.

I recently completed مطلق النار في عالم العمل: John Pesek and the 1920s Promotional Wars. Read the story of one of the last legitimate professional wrestlers in the United States.

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