Stecher və Zbyszko müqaviləni tamamladı

Dekabr 13, 1920, Və “Strangler” Lyuis Dünya Ağır Çəkisi Güləş Çempionatı üçün Joe Stecheri məğlub etdi. Professional wrestling was a staged exhibition by 1920. Lakin, such was the strong feelings between the men that the match may have been a “shoot” or legitimate match in which Lewis took the belt.

Whether the outcome of the match was real, the feud between the men was real. Stecher beş il kin saxladı. In early 1925, Stecher qisas almaq üçün bir fürsət gördü, lakin bunu etmək üçün Stanislaus Zbyszkonun köməyinə ehtiyacı olacaq..


Stecher və Zbyszko St.. Louis University Field on May 30, 1925

Yanvar ayında 1925, Lewis and his promotional partners Billy Sandow and Toots Mondt, the Gold Dust Trio, decided to put the World Championship on “Big” Wayne Munn. Munn stood 6’06” and weighed a legitimate 260 manat. Lewis was a large professional wrestler and weighed a billed 220 manat. Hoping to cash in on the novelty of an attraction like Munn, “Strangler” dropped the World Championship to Munn.

Despite his size, Munn was a novice wrestler easily defeated by a legitimate wrestler. Fearing an actual wrestler would decide to take the belt off Munn, the Gold Dust Trio were careful about matching Munn up against anyone who could actually wrestle. Journalist noticed that Munn wasn’t matched up with a true threat and called the Trio on their seeming protection of the new champion.

lewis-zbyszko-əl sıxma

Və “Strangler” Lewis and Stanislaus Zbyszko meet in center ring for the customary handshake.

Not wanting to give away that the matches were staged but concerned about the bad publicity, the Trio decided to call on one of their most trusted wrestlers, the 46-year-old former champion and legitimate wrestler Stanislaus Zbyszko. Lakin, when Zbyszko wrestled Munn, the Trio’s nightmare came true. Zbyszko wrestled Munn legitimately and pinned the helpless big man. The referee, afraid of the fans rioting, had to award Zbyszko the title or expose wrestling as fixed.

Stecher Zbişkoya Munndan titul alması və sonra üçüncü Dünya Titulunun hökmranlığı üçün kəməri Stecherə atması üçün pul ödəmişdi.. Long-time St. Louis wrestling promoter Tom Packs promoted the match, which occurred in the St. Louis University Field.

Stecher ilk payızda təcavüzkar göründü, which lasted 1 hour, 23 dəqiqə. Wrestlers were still trying to hide the arranged nature of the outcomes, so long matches were generally the rule. Zbyszko appeared groggy to start the second fall, which lasted only 5 dəqiqə. Stecher qorxulu qayçı tutması ilə matçı qazandı.

The match was pretty rough because they wanted the fans to believe they were watching a legitimate contest. Zbyszko was legitimately injured when he fell to the mat during the second fall. The force of the fall caused contusions to his chest and a torn ligament in his shoulder. The match ended shortly after this unplanned fall.

Stecher və Zbyszkonun çıxışı çox inandırıcı idi, Polis rəisi Gerk Stecheri adam öldürməyə cəhdə görə həbs etmişdi. Stecher yazmaq məcburiyyətində qaldı $1,000.00 bond to be released. Zbyszko tez Stecherə bəraət qazandırdı və zədələrinin öz günahı olduğunu bildirdi.

Around the same time, the Gold Dust Trio held their own World Title match, where Munn lost to Lewis. How Munn was still the World Champion after losing to Zbyszko was never adequately explained but the World Title would be contested for a number of years. Nəhayət, Stecher və Lewis bir-biri ilə iş görməyə razılaşdılar.

St. Louis would host many important wrestling matches. Mayın 30, 1925, St. Louis was the venue for the culmination of the biggest double cross in professional wrestling. It was a significant chapter in a storied wrestling town.

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Sources: The St. Louis Post-Dispetçer, May 31, 1925 edition, p. 1 və 9

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