McLeod Wrestles George Baptiste

dan mcleod

Dan McLeod defeated Martin “Farmer” Burns for the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship during October 1897. McLeod held the championship for four years until he met Frank Gotch’s toughest opponent, Tom Jenkins. In early 1899, McLeod made a couple title defenses in Minnesota. On February 24, 1899, McLeod wrestled St. Louis Middleweight Wrestling Champion George Baptiste at Conover Hall in front

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Pwomosyon Lit


Professional wrestling evolved into an athletic exhibition from legitimate contests for two reasons. I have written extensively about the first reason. Legitimate contests between equally skilled wrestlers were often long, boring affairs with little action. These contests turned off fans and prevented professional wrestling exploding as a spectator sport. I have not written as much about the second reason. Nan

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Lewis ranpòte tit Ameriken


Anvan lite nan Kentucky nan kòmansman ane 1910 yo, fanatik lit te konnen Ed "Strangler" Lewis kòm Bob Fredrichs. Li te fèt Robert Friedrich nan Nekoosa, Wisconsin, Lewis te fè premye lit pwofesyonèl li nan 1905, pandan y ap toujou sèlman 14 ane fin vye granmoun. Pwomotè Kentucky te panse Bob Fredrichs twò klè, se konsa Lewis te chwazi nouvo non li kòm yon omaj bay parèy Wisconsin natif natal ak orijinal

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Gwo nonm twòp pou Jenkins


Sou Me 7, 1901, Tom Jenkins te lite jeyan Nouralah Hassan nan vil Nouyòk. Li te fèt nan Bilgari pandan 1870, Hassan te kanpe sis pye, uit pous wotè ak peze 331 liv. Pandan ke Jenkins posede konpetans lit siperyè, fanatik ak repòtè yo te espere gwosè imans Hassan a prezante pwoblèm pou Jenkins. Pwomotè yo te rezerve mesye yo pou lite nan Madison Square Garden nan

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Dan McLeod lite “Kiltivatè” Burns

dan mcleod

Sou Oktòb 26, 1897, Martin "Farmer" Burns te defann chanpyona lit Ameriken Heavyweight li kont Scottish catche wrèstle Dan McLeod.. Burns ak McLeod se te de nan twa oswa kat pi gwo luteur katch-as-catch-can nan peyi Etazini nan moman an.. 1,200 fanatik yo te asiste match ki te fèt nan Grand Opera House nan Indianapolis, Indiana. Pwomotè souvan mete yon tapi oswa lou

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George Tragos, Crippler orijinal la


George Tragos te vin t'ap nonmen non kòm antrenè Lou Thesz, dominan National Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Champion nan ane 1950 yo ak kòmansman ane 1960 yo.. Bwason, yon 1920 Olympian pou peyi Lagrès li, posede yon rezime parfèt nan lit lejitim. Fèt mas 14, 1901, nan Messinia, Lagrès, Tragos te genyen tit nasyonal lit anvan li reprezante Lagrès nan la 1920 Olympics nan sèlman

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Wladek Zbyszko Divòs


At the end of 1932, 22-Vila Milli ki gen yon ane te pote mari l lajistis, pwofesyonèl wrèstle Wladek Zbyszko, pou divòs akize mechanste fizik ak adiltè. Milli akize Zbyszko, ki gen 41 an, ak mechanste fizik paske li "anbrase l twò fò." Jij Dunne nan Kou Siprèm Brooklyn te tande ka divòs la. Li te eksprime dout ke Zbyszko te abize madanm li. Sepandan, li pa t ranvwaye a

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Evan Lewis Launches Pro Career


While researching the history of the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship (1881 – 1922), I discovered Evan “Strangler” Lewis’ early matches in Montana. Prior to researching this topic, I thought Lewis started his career by winning a 64-man wrestling tournament in Montana during 1882. Sepandan, Lewis did not win the tournament. In May 1882, Lewis wrestled in a Cornish wrestling tournament

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Gotch vs. Zbyszko Now Available


Frank Gotch dominated American wrestling from 1905 to his retirement in 1913. Gotch, aktyèl chanpyon lit Ameriken Heavyweight, won the biggest match of his career on April 3, 1908. Gotch defeated current World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Georg Hackenschmidt in Chicago, Illinois. Gotch proved as dominant a World Champion as he had been as the American Champion. Gotch agreed to

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