Gotch Wrestles Handicap Match


Nan Jedi, Avril 29, 1909, Frank Gotch traveled to Memphis, Tennessee to wrestle highly regarded light heavyweight wrestler Charles Hackenschmidt. Hackenschmidt won the World Light Heavyweight Wrestling Championship under his real name, John Berg. Although fans thought well of Berg, they did not see him as a threat to defeat Frank Gotch in a straight match. To increase fan interest

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Gotch Wrestles Handicap Match

Pi ansyen fim lit ki egziste

Joe Stecher wrestled during a transitional time in American professional wrestling. Prior to 1900, wrestlers engaged primarily in legitimate contests although wrestlers did work matches occasionally. After 1915, all wrestlers worked their matches. Wrestlers wrestled legitimate contests only to settle promotional dispute or to pull off a double-cross. Soti nan 1900 to 1915, wrestlers engaged in a mixture of worked matches

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Sou Out 7, 1882, Chanpyon lit pwa lou Ameriken Edwin Bibby te defann tit li kont chanpyon angle Joe Acton nan Madison Square Garden nan vil Nouyòk.. Mesye yo te lite yon match "catch-as-catch-can" pou chanpyona mondyal la. Sepandan, piblik la pa t rekonèt venkè bout la kòm chanpyon mondyal la. Piblik la rekonèt gayan an kòm pwa lou Ameriken an

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(Pòs sa a se yon ekstrè nan nouvo liv mwen an, Gotch vs. Zbyszko: Quest la pou Bondye vin delivre, pibliye nan mwa fevriye 2, 2022.) Evènman ki pi enpòtan ki afekte avni karyè Frank Gotch te fèt nan mwa janvye 11, 1911. Gotch te marye ak ansyen Gladys Oestrich lakay paran li nan Humboldt, Iowa. Mrs. Gotch prefere ke Frank pran retrèt nan bag la ki

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Jan Lemm

Nan mwa janvye 2, 1911, Lutteur Swis John Lemm te jwenn tèt li nan rizib fanatik lit pwofesyonèl ak repòtè yo. Ensidan an te fèt lè Lemm te lite Stanislaus Zbyszko nan Buffalo, New York. Fanatik yo konsidere Zbyszko pi gwo konkiran pou tit mondyal Frank Gotch la. Zbyszko se te yon wrèstle klas mondyal byenke plis konpetan nan lit grèko-women pase lit trape.. Lemm te yon konpetan

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Pandan kòmansman ane 1920 yo, Tex Rickard te deklare lagè sou ansyen patnè li nan boksè, Jack Curley. Curley te ankouraje lit pwofesyonèl nan vil Nouyòk. Li te òganize tou pwomotè nan gwo vil tankou Boston ak St. Louis nan yon konfyans lit. Trust la te kontwole chanpyona Mondyal Lut Pwa lou. Konfyans lan te jele nenpòt wrèstle, ki te refize ale ansanm

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Farmer Burns dekouvri Frank Gotch


Nan 1897, Dan McLeod te bat Martin "Farmer" Burns pou chanpyona Ameriken Lit pwa lou. Apre defèt la, Burns te lite a tan pasyèl pandan li te fè tranzisyon nan wòl prensipal li nan antrenè lit. Over the next 30 ane, Burns te antrene pi fò nan luteur trape lejitim yo nan peyi Etazini. Burns te kòmanse fè yon toune 1899, kote li ta tou de lite yon opozan nan

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Pi ansyen fim lit ki egziste

Pi ansyen fim lit ki egziste

Joe Stecher kap kaptire chanpyona mondyal lit nan men Earl Caddock se pi ansyen fim nan lit pwofesyonèl ki egziste.. Trajik, Pi ansyen fim lit ki egziste, men yo pouri nan zòn depo yo. Operatè kamera yo te filme Ed "Strangler" Lewis vs. Pi ansyen fim lit ki egziste, Pi ansyen fim lit ki egziste. Stanislaus Zbyszko, ak match reyinifikasyon an

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Joe Stecher pase tès

Pi ansyen fim lit ki egziste

Youn nan istwa lejand sou Joe Stecher konsène yon konkou lejitim li te genyen ak youn nan Martin “Kiltivatè” Burns luteur, lè Stecher te apèn soti nan lekòl segondè. Burns te tande pale de repitasyon Stecher k ap grandi e li te deside teste l ak youn nan luteur li yo.. Pou ane, Mwen te panse Stecher te bat Yusif Mahmout men li aktyèlman lite Yussif Hussane. Nan

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