“Toots” Mondt deyr í St.. Louis


Júní 11, 1976, Joseph “Toots” Mondt lést á leiðinni á Christian Northeast sjúkrahúsið í North St. Louis County. Mondt hafði flutt til St. Louis í 1969 að hjálpa til við að sjá um móður Öldu konu sinnar. Eftir að móðir hennar lést í 1971, Mondts ákváðu að vera áfram í St. Louis, þar sem Alda var fædd og uppalin. Mondt var goðsögn

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Manstu eftir Wayne Munn


Wayne “Stór” Munn er mikill uppgangur í atvinnuglímu. Frumraun í 1924, Munn “won” heimsmeistaramótið í þungavigt frá Ed “Strangler” Lewis snemma 1925. Fall hans var jafn snöggt. Með 1926, Munn var kominn á eftirlaun. Línumaður í háskólabolta frá Nebraska, Munn var ráðinn í atvinnuglímu af Billy Sandow, defacto leiðtogi Gold Dust Trio. The

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Beell vinnur titil


Fred Beell var sterkur, hæfileikaríkur atvinnuglímumaður um aldamótin 20. Beell veitti öllum bestu glímumönnum dagsins erfiðar keppnir en skortur á stærð hamlaði oft getu hans með heimsklassa glímumönnum. Þó kraftmikið byggt, Beell var rausnarlega skráður í 5’06”. Þegar hann er þyngstur, Beell fór aldrei fram úr 170 £. Á meðan þú ert með líkamsbyggingarmann

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Lewis og Roeber sameina titil


Þegar William Muldoon hætti í atvinnuglímu í 1889, hann ætlaði til skjóls síns, Ernst Roeber, að verða nýr heimsmeistari í þungavigt í glímu. Þar sem Muldoon varði alltaf meistaratitilinn í grísk-rómverskum glímustíl, val hans var skynsamlegt. Roeber var án efa besti grísk-rómverski glímumaðurinn í Ameríku á þeim tíma. Þó, glímuaðdáendurnir og blaðamaðurinn, fjalla um íþróttina,

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“Farmer” Burns Holds Off Charles Green


In a recent post, I wrote about Charles Green’s unsuccessful attempt to defeat Evan “Strangler” Lewis in 1889. Ári síðar, Green had greater success with another American wrestling legend, Martin “Farmer” Burns. The soon-to-be 29-year-old Burns was an excellent wrestler but wasn’t yet on the level of Evan Lewis. Þó, he would have to be in the top 10

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Lewis og Stecher skjóta í síðasta sinn


The Gold Dust Trio’s dominance of professional wrestling in the early to mid-1920s bred lots of resentment with other wrestlers and promoters. This professional jealousy led to a famous double-cross in 1925. From this time on, the world title was disputed as Joe Stecher held one version, while Ed “Strangler” Lewis held the other version. Due to the real resentment

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Charles Green Preps for Evan Lewis


Charles Green, a skilled English catch-as-catch-can wrestler, traveled to the United States in the late 1880s to wrestle the best American wrestlers. Green got his opportunity on July 21, 1889, when he wrestled American Heavyweight Catch-as-Catch-Can Champion Evan Lewis. To prepare for this match, Green took a handicap bout with journeyman wrestler Bert Scheller in late June. Scheller was born

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Jenkins’ and Beell’s Closed Door Match


Tom Jenkins had the distinction of being the only wrestler to defeat Frank Gotch multiple times. Jenkins and Gotch traded the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship between 1902 og 1906. At the time of this match, Jenkins was the champion again. Fred Beell had been campaigning for a match with Jenkins for the past several months. Beell finally convinced Jenkins to

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