How To Spread A Martial Art


3 times over the last 150 aastat, martial artists created more modern versions of older martial arts. Unlike many prior systems, the innovators of these modern martial arts chose to share this information with outsiders and spread their arts around the world. Jigoro Kano’s dissemination of Judo is the best case study for how to develop and spread a martial

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Why Do Traditionalist Despise MMA?


Why do traditional martial artists continue to despise the lessons of mixed martial arts? I am amazed that twenty years after Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) 1, mõned traditsioonilised võitluskunstid tunnevad endiselt, et neil pole MMA-st midagi õppida. One of the Taekwondo tournaments, where I used to referee, has a submission grappling division. When I had a break, Mina

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Mis auaste Black Belt Mean?


Olen kulutanud palju aega erinevate auastmesüsteemide õppimisele. Auastmesüsteem näib olevat kaasaegne kontseptsioon, mille algatas Dr. Jigaro Kano, kasvataja, kes soovisid õpilaste eraldamiseks hindamissüsteemi. Järgmise sajandi jooksul, Paljud stiilid võtsid kasutusele vööastmesüsteemi, kuid ainus ühine joon oli see, et vöösüsteemid tähendasid seda, mida looja otsustas

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Introducing Our New Black Belt

Trey -getting -must -BELT

Aprillil 27, 2013, on what would have been his grandfather and namesake’s 71st birthday, Ken “Kolm punkti” Zimmerman III became the first black belt in the Zimmerman Self-Defense System under his father Ken Zimmerman Jr. “Kolm punkti” began studying martial arts shortly before his fifth birthday. “Kolm punkti” has trained in Taekwondo, Džuudo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Gojo Shroei Weapons System. His goals

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Theodore Roosevelt on Judo

teodore-roosevelti naeratades

Theodore Roosevelt served as the twenty-sixth President of the United States from 1901 kuni 1909. TR is famous for the “Strenuous Life”. He practiced boxing and wrestling through his twenties and thirties. What is not as widely known is that he practiced Judo around 1904, when he was in his mid-40s. Roosevelt would eventually earn a brown belt in Judo. Yoshiaki

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