Eugene lub yim hli ntuj Johannpeter (1908 – 1969)


Eugene “Noob” Lub yim hli ntuj Johannpeter yug rau ntuj 20, 1908, Julius thiab Bertha Johannpeter. Nws yog tus tub thib ob Jules dab laug thiab cov niam hlob Bertha. Nws tus tij laug yog Julius “Punks” William Johannpeter, ❏ Jr ❏., uas ya mus tsev xa ntawv tuaj mus Lambert teb nrog Charles Lindbergh. “Punks” twb tau xya xyoo nyoog noob. Kuv yawg, Gilbert Padilla P. Ellis, nyob

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Tus kabmob tsev neeg cov khoom muaj nqis


Weeks ago, Kuv nrhiav tau ib daim ntawv qhia txog Ivanhoe los ntawm Sir Walter Scott ntawm kuv tus yawg laus tsev qiv ntawv. Yawg Gilbert P. Ellis muaj lub tsev qiv ntawv uas nws muab rau kuv hauv lub Kwvyees li xyoo 1990 thaum ntxov. Cov phau ntawv thiab nws lub rooj muaj treasures yuav nyob nrog kuv mus txog hnub kuv tuag. Ua ib tug kas, I used to sit in his

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Julius Johannpeter (1875-1961)

johannpeter-tsev neeg

Julius “Txiv ntxawm Jules” Johannpeter yug hauv St. Charles, MO hauv lub peb hlis ntuj 5, 1875 tsis ntev los no tau German neeg tsiv teb Frederick William Johannpeter thiab Johanna Johannpeter nee Grieve. “Txiv ntxawm Jules” twb tau xya xyoo laus dua nws tus muam Caroline Leah “Hli” Johannpeter, Kuv pog. Thaum hli tus txiv William Ellis tuag hauv 1917, Lee had the challenge of raising her two-year-old son Gilbert as a single

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Marie H. “Babe” Johannpeter Kimker


Marie H. “Babe” Johannpeter yug hauv St. Louis, Missouri rau lub rau hli ntuj 17, 1903. “Babe” yog tus me nyuam thib ob thiab thawj tug ntxhais yug ntawm kuv ob great-uncle Julius “Txiv ntxawm Jules” Johannpeter thiab Bertha Johannpeter Horst nee nws tus poj niam. Kuv yawg Gilbert Ellis siv ntau heev ntawm nws lub sij hawm nrog tsev neeg txiv ntxawm Jules, thaum nws loj hlob. Yawg Ellis’ father

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Eduard Mosblech (1884 – 1956)


Eduard Mosblech yog kuv niam great-yawg. Eduard yug hauv St. Louis, Missouri rau lub kaum hli ntuj 24, 1884, rau cov neeg tsiv teb German Gustave Mosblech thiab Bertha Mosblech nee Monse. Often written as Edward but pronounced like putting together aid and ward, Eduard yog li nws ua nws lub npe. I struggled with writing much about him because the stories I heard about him

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Herman Johannpeter (1878 – 1921)

johannpeter-tsev neeg

Thaum kuv pib researching tsev neeg keeb kwm, Kuv tsuas paub txog ob tug uas kuv great-pog Caroline “Hli” Ellis’ kwvtij nee Johannpeter. Kuv yawg hais rau kuv heev txog nws cov dab laug “Jules”, Julius Johannpeter. Yawg nyob nrog tus txiv hlob Jules los ntawm lub sijhawm nws tshuav Missouri tub rog Academy hauv 1932 txog thaum nws yuav kuv pog, Alvina Ellis nee Mosblech hauv 1938. Yawg

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Oscar and Dorothy Von Burg


Uncle Oscar Von Burg and Aunt Dorothy Von Burg nee Mosblech were my grandparents’ closest friends. Grandma Ellis thiab phauj Dorothy nyob vivncaus cais rau cov muaj hnub nyoog los txog rau lub xyoo thiab ib nrab hnub. Yawg Ellis thiab Oscar tus txiv hlob los ua phooj ywg zoo thaum lawv nyob yos tus vivncaus. Neither Uncle Oscar nor Grandpa danced, li ntawd, lawv yuav escort Grandma thiab niam hlob

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Tus muam/viv ncaus ploj Mosblech


Thaum kuv loj hlob, Kuv yeej hnov Grandma Ellis, Alvina M. Mosblech Ellis, tham txog nws ob viv ncaus ploj. Nws poob nws leej muam Margaret hiob thiab nws tus muam little Loretta ua ntej nws lub hnub yug 40th. Margaret B. Mosblech tau kaum plaub rau cov me nyuam yug ntawm Eduard thiab Magdalena Mosblech thawj. Margaret Great niam hlob yug nyob rau lub rau hli ntuj 10, 1908. Raws li

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Mom’s Recollections of Her Grandma


My Grandpa used to tell me that Mom and Great Grandma were close. Yawm Grandma yuav yog tawv ncauj heev, ces yawg siv xa niam los nrog nws tham txog kev yuav mus rau tus kws kho mob, yam. Kuv yuav qhia rau koj txog nws pog nyob hauv nws cov lus qhia niam. Caroline zoo li hli yog ib tug poj niam ua ntej nws lub sij hawm. Nyob rau hauv

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