Card Night at the Ellis Home

едуард-магдалена и семејство

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, my grandparents used to host a monthly card party with three of Grandma Ellis’ sisters and their husbands. Uncle Tony and Aunt Agnes Giraudo, Uncle Oscar and Aunt Dorothy Von Berg along with Uncle Art and Aunt Betty Clemmings would join Grandma and Grandpa to play Pinochle. Each family would host one

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Julius Johannpeter (1875-1961)


Јулиј “Чичко Жил” Johannpeter was born in St. Чарлс, MO on March 5, 1875 to recent German immigrants Frederick William Johannpeter and Johanna Johannpeter nee Grieve. “Чичко Жил” was seven years older than his sister Caroline Leah “Lee” Johannpeter, my great grandmother. When Lee’s husband William Ellis died in 1917, Ли имаше предизвик да го воспитува својот двегодишен син Гилберт како сингл

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John Riley Collects Poll Tax

Џон-Рајли-анкета-даночна книга

My second great-grandfather John Riley Deweese served as Welch Township Republican Committee Chairman in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri for most of his adult life. Besides holding party caucuses in his home, John Riley served as Road Commissioner in the 1910s. Residents mostly traversed the roads by horse and buggy. Еден од механизмите што владите ги користеа за собирање такси за патишта

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Customer Service Lessons from Grandpa

дедо-елис-1999 година

In the late 1990s, my grandfather, Гилберт Елис, was living with my Aunt Maureen and Uncle Dale. They had decided to have a large garage/shed installed, so Grandpa and my uncle would have a workshop. They had the shed assembled and engaged a local electrical company to run electricity to the workshop. Uncle Dale had to run some errands on

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St. Louis Holidays With The Mosblechs


The Mosblechs have very large families as a rule. My great grandfather Eduard Mosblech was one of twelve children. Eduard had fourteen children and his brothers had twelve and thirteen children respectively. While I have not yet been able to verify the size of the other two families, both Mom and I remember it the same way. Grandma Ellis had

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Herman Johannpeter (1878 – 1921)


When I started researching the family history, I only knew about two of my great-grandmother Caroline “Lee” Елис’ nee Johannpeter’s siblings. My grandfather told me a lot about his Uncle “Жил”, Julius Johannpeter. Grandpa lived with Uncle Jules from the time he left Missouri Military Academy in 1932 until he married my grandmother, Alvina Ellis nee Mosblech in 1938. Дедо

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Oscar and Dorothy Von Burg


Uncle Oscar Von Burg and Aunt Dorothy Von Burg nee Mosblech were my grandparents’ closest friends. Grandma Ellis and Aunt Dorothy were sisters separated in age by about a year and a half. Grandpa Ellis and Uncle Oscar became close friends when they were dating the sisters. Neither Uncle Oscar nor Grandpa danced, so they would escort Grandma and Aunt

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Артур Ц. Clemmings (1913 – 1992)

едуард-магдалена и семејство

Артур Ц. Clemmings е роден во четвртокот, Април 3, 1913 во Санкт. Louis, MO. At the start of World War II, Uncle Art enlisted in the United States Army as a private. Тој беше доделен како полуквалификувани метал работник. Неговиот мандат на запишување, која започна во септември 2, 1942, was for the duration of the war plus six months.

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Заборавена Mosblech сестри

едуард-магдалена и семејство

Кога растев, Јас често се слуша баба Елис, Алвина М. Mosblech Елис, зборува за нејзините две сестри изгубени. Таа го изгубила своето најстарата сестра Маргарет и нејзиниот малку сестра Лорета пред неа 40 роденден. Маргарет Б. Mosblech беше првиот од четиринаесет деца на Едуард и Магдалена Mosblech. Great Aunt Margaret was born on June 10, 1908. As

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151 St. Louisians Wed on Thanksgiving


Мисури рекорд за издавање брак лиценци во еден ден беше скршен во средата, Ноември 23, 1904 од страна на 151 двојки во Санкт. Louis, кои сакаа да се врзуваат на јазол на Денот на благодарноста 1904. Претходниот ден рекорд беше 117 двојки во собата во Санкт. Луис пред Денот на благодарноста 1903. The Justice of the Peace, R.J. Carroll, set up shop in

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