ロバート・クリード、カッコウを殺す’ リーダー


『ギャング・オブ・セント』を読む前に. ルイ: ダニエル・ウォー著『尊敬する人々』, 私はロバート・クリードと彼の兄弟トーマスがセントを殺害したことを知っていて、それを書きました。. ハロウィーンの日にルイ警察のジョージ・ガイスラー警察官 1920. 私が知らなかったのは、ロバート・クリードがカッコー・ギャングのメンバーだったということです。, 1920年代の超暴力的な犯罪組織. ロバート・クリードは、

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11月に 10, 1924, MRS. AW. スティックニーはセントを去ろうとしていました. ルイ カントリー クラブ, 彼女が二人のアフリカ系アメリカ人男性に近づかれたとき. 肌の色が白い男は夫人にこう言った。. スティクニーは彼女の宝石を引き渡すよう、さもなければ彼は彼女から宝石を取り上げるだろう. Fearing for her safety, MRS. スティックニーは男性に彼女の宝石を手渡した, 価値がある $17,000.00, と $85.00 in cash. MRS.

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William Rudolph and Union Bank Robbery

セントルイス共和国-1903 年 1 月 26 日

12月の最終週に 1902, ウィリアム·ルドルフ, フランクリン郡の最近返さ鉱夫, とジョージ·コリンズは連合ユニオン銀行を奪った, ミズーリ. 彼らは一晩中それを奪った, 誰もが安全に爆破して存在しなかったとき. Rudolph returned to his parents’ cabin in Stanton, ミズーリ. He and his accomplice hid out until the Franklin County Sheriff

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Chief Desmond Discovers Murder


On February 10, 1897, 60-year-old William H. Stewart, a civil engineer, died in St. Louis City Hospital. Stewart passed away from a morphine overdose. ST. Louis Police originally thought it was a case of suicide or accidental overdose. Stewart lived with his son-in-law F.C. Bennett at 2634 Dickson Street. 氏. Bennett categorically denied Mr. Stewart used drugs of any kind.

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Detective Desmond Stops Jail Escape


On the morning of Wednesday, 7月 8, 1885, the Coroner’s Clerk Jimmy Spaulding rushed into the Police Court at the Four Courts building. Spaulding announced one of the jail inmates waiting in the holding pen had just escaped. While most of the members of court sat stunned, Detective Billy Desmond jumped to his feet and rushed out of the courtroom.

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Pretty Boy Floyd’s St. Louis Robbery


で 1934, Charles ArthurPretty BoyFloyd ended his criminal career in an East Liverpool, Ohio corn field after a shoot out with FBI agents and local law enforcement officers. <スパンbbox_x = "14" fweight = "3"赤= "255"緑= "255"青= "255"アルファ= "=" 244 "bbox_y =" 627 "bbox_w =" 56 "bbox_h =" 20 "FSIZE, in December 1925, he was inmate number 29078 at the Missouri Penitentiary. The 21-year-old Floyd had just been convicted of robbing the Kroeger Grocery and Baking Company main office

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Policewomen Break Up Theft Ring in 1919


火曜日の夜, 2月 18, 1919, セントのエディション. Louis Post-Dispatch detailed the arrest of two men and two women for the theft of numerous luxury items. 万引きリングがローカル宝石店のカップルを働いていたことを認識して, セント. Louis Police Department assigned several undercover police women to follow the suspects. Their work resulted in the

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Chief Desmond Gets a Confession


ST. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond was known for his ability to gain confessions from criminals. Unlike other detectives, who would sometimes use physical intimidation, Desmond eschewed the “third degree”. Chief Desmond believed information obtained by beating suspects was completely unreliable. Desmond would start a discussion with the suspect. After putting him or her at ease, Desmond would let

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Lord Barrington Is Beaten Up


Thief. Liar. Bigamist. Con Man. Murderer. All accurate labels for one of the greatest charlatans to operate in St. ルイ. “Lord F. Seymour Barrington” was a bit of a local celebrity, if an extremely disreputable one, during 1903. After conducting a bigamist marriage on the East Coast, “Lord Barrington” stole his wife’s trousseau and headed to St. ルイ. When Barrington

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