الحادي و. Louis Police Catch Indiana Escapee

مآثر رئيس ديزموند

الحادي و. Louis Police Chief of Detectives William Desmond made many tough criminals talk over his career. John Huey, an Indiana murderer, was not one of these cases. Huey freely spoke with Desmond about his criminal past. Huey escaped from Indiana after serving 13 years for a murder in 1874. John Huey came to Lyon, Indiana in 1874 as a 22-year-old.

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Cab Driver Admits Killing


ديسمبر 15, 1903, three men entered the Erie House at Fourth Street and Clark Avenue. The men beat up cook Victor Dauson before shooting hotel clerk Charles Harding. Dauson died from his injuries but Charles Harding recovered. The men took $300 from the safe and fled the hotel. The men entered the hotel at 2:00 صباحا إلى. and surprised Harding,

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فندق يتسلل اللص الملتقطة

مآثر رئيس ديزموند

During the Gilded Age and for several decades after, الحادي و. Louis had the distinction of being the largest city west of the Mississippi River. Pickpockets and thieves rode the rails to ply their illicit trade in the bustling metropolis. في أيلول 21, 1901, hotel employees overpowered a sneak thief, who attempted to burglarize a room in the plush Southern Hotel.

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Streetcar Strike Mob Attacks Woman

شارع سانت لويس

I have always said the St. لويس عربة إضراب 1900 was not the story of the evil streetcar companies exploiting the innocent workers. “The innocent workers” committed many deplorable acts during the streetcar strike. One of their most frequent tactics involved stripping woman in public who rode the streetcars during the strike. Amazingly, وكان ضحاياهم صغارا وجذابين

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Chief Desmond Brings Fugitive Home


الحادي و. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond would be primarily responsible for the security of the 1904 الحادي و. Louis World’s Fair. Prior to the fair opening in April 1904, Desmond played a critical role in St. لويس’ boodling investigation. During his boodling investigation, الحادي و. Louis Circuit Attorney Joseph “Holy Joe” Folk indicted City Councilman Charles Kratz for taking bribes or

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Would Be Assassin’s St. Louis Roots

مآثر رئيس ديزموند

في أيلول 21, 1897, Joseph Bloomfield Jackson attempted to sneak into the White House armed with a loaded revolver. Jackson had boasted of plans to attack a high government official for days. Jackson was arrested before he could carry out his plans to attack President McKinley. Police quickly realized Jackson was mentally disturbed. They sent him to a Washington asylum

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الحادي و. Louis Detectives Catch Pickpocket


<تمتد bbox_x = "359" bbox_y = "1385" bbox_w = "12" bbox_h = "20" fsize = "14" fweight = "3" أحمر = "255" أخضر = "255" أزرق = "255" ألفا = " 1904, الحادي و. Louis hosted the Louisiana Purchase Exhibition better known as the 1904 الحادي و. لويس’ Worlds Fair. While the Fair brought lots of tourists to town, criminals also made their way to the Gateway City. The man tasked with taking care of the security at the Fair and dealing with the increased criminal element in town was St. لويس’

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لصوص فريسكو قطار اشتعلت

البالغ من STL-الشرطة-شارة

في أيلول 9, 1893, Frisco line brakeman James Pennock boarded the Frisco Line at Tower Grove in St. لويس. At the Cheltenham stop, Frisco brakeman Sam Robertson and former brakeman Muncie Ray also boarded. The men boarded the train with the intent of robbing the train at Sandy Cut, two miles east of Pacific, MO. When the train got close

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رئيس ديزموند يعتقل زوج من السراويل


القبض وليام ديزموند العديد من اللصوص أثناء ه 17 السنة مهنة سانت. الرئيس لويس مباحث. وقال انه وضعت سمعة البلاد كما “اللص الآخذ”. يوم الاثنين, أكتوبر 15, 1900, اعتقلت رئيس ديزموند السراويل من لص ولكن ليس اللص نفسه. دخلت جوناس واشنطن ساحة Shickle, مسبك هاريسون وهوارد للحديد في شارعي 12 وجراتيوت

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ضابط ونائب يواجهن رجل عنيف

البالغ من STL-الشرطة-شارة

آب 31, 1901, اكتشف الليل حارس وليام دوهرتي ويليس غارنر السطو مكتب Schickle, هاريسون وشركة هوارد الحديد في 912 S. شارع الثاني عشر في سانت. لويس, ميسوري. شركة الحديد المستخدمة غارنر, الذي رمى المطرقة على رأسه دوهرتي ل. The hammer missed its target but the confusion allowed Garner to jump out the window and make his

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