黑烏鴉 (1943)

黑烏鴉 (1943)“乙” 電影 (友情鏈接) 來自 Producers Releasing Corporation (中國). George Zucco 飾演 Amos Bradford aka the Raven, 黑烏鴉客棧的老闆. 布拉德福德最終招待了幾位意想不到的客人, 誰在躲避狂暴的雷暴. 暴風雨沖毀了所有的橋樑,困住了遊客, 其中包括一對夫婦試圖私奔, her wealthy father, who has chased them down, an embezzler, a gangster and various other players.

Bradford seems connected with several of the visitors through his mysterious past. An intruder is also prowling around the grounds. What will happen before the night is through? The film is a tight one hour. Zucco delivers a typical but extremely good performance as The Raven.


George Zucco in a Fog Island still from the Public Domain

George Zucco played in a number of these films through out the 1940s. His distinctive speech made him a natural in playing urbane bad men, professors and other mystery men. He primarily appeared in mystery or horror films. 根據維基百科, he appeared in over 96 films between 1931 和 1951, when he retired because of ill health.

Despite tawdry rumors, Zucco did not die in an insane asylum nor did his wife and daughter commit suicide. Zucco died at 74 from pneumonia. His wife died in 1999 在年齡 99. His daughter died of cancer at age 30.

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