Sherlock Holmes და Voice of Terror
Sherlock Holmes და Voice of Terror (1942) პირველი თორმეტი Sherlock Holmes ფილმების მიერ Universal Pictures. ბასილ Rathbone და ნაიჯელ Bruce reprise მათი როლები, როგორც შერლოკ ჰოლმსი და დოქტორი. Watson შესაბამისად. უნივერსალური კომპლექტი სერია 1940 მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ ლიტერატურული Sherlock Holmes იყო 60 წლის in 1914.
Evelyn Ankers plays Kitty, who helps Sherlock Holmes in his investigations. She was a staple in the Universal Horror films of the 1940s. Her most notable role was playing Lon Chaney’s love interest in The Wolfman (1943). She married fellow actor Richard Denning in 1942. They would remain married until her death in 1985 at age 67.
Unlike many of the other movies, there is no reference to Moriarty or his henchmen in this film. The film is also much shorter. It comes in at 65 minutes. It is fairly well done but the film is not of the same quality as the Twentieth-Century Fox films.
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