The Kennel Murder Case (1933)

William Powell’s fifth turn as S.S. Van Dine’s detective Philo Vance may have been his best. The Kennel Murder Case (1933) finds Philo Vance trying to solve the murder of Archer Coe. Coe had many enemies but the greatest mystery for Vance is how Coe was murdered in a locked room.

Vance het 'n hond show met Coe en sy binnekring die dag voor dood Coe se,,en,Omdat Coe gesterf in 'n geslote kamer,,en,owerhede glo dit om selfmoord te wees,,en,Vance is die voorbereiding te vaar,,en,toe hy in kennis gestel word van die moord,,en,Vance kontakte sy ou vriend Distrik Prokureur Markham,,en,Vance vertel Markham Coe sal die laaste persoon om selfmoord te pleeg nie,,en,Markham lyk nie oortuig,,en,so Vance nie vaar, maar kry 'n taxi na die Coe huis,,en,'N eksamen bewys Vance was reg oor Coe vermoor,,en,Vance en Detective Heath het geen tekort aan verdagtes,,en,Coe was verag deur al sy medewerkers en selfs sy familie,,en,Vance vertel Markham die geslote deure is 'n sleutel tot die oplossing van die misdaad,,en. Because Coe died in a locked room, authorities believe it to be suicide. Vance is preparing to sail, when he is notified of the murder. Vance contacts his old friend District Attorney Markham. Vance tells Markham Coe would be the last person to commit suicide.


William Powell from the Public Domain

Markham doesn’t seem convinced, so Vance doesn’t sail but gets a cab to the Coe home. An examination proves Vance was right about Coe being murdered.

Vance and Detective Heath have no shortage of suspects. Coe was despised by all his associates and even his family. It would be easier to find someone who did not want Archer Coe dead. Vance tells Markham the locked door is a key to solving the crime.

Eugene Pallette plays Detective Heath. Born on July 8, 1889 in Kansas, Pallette played athletic roles in the silent era. By the late 1920s, Pallette gained significant weight. With his distinct voice, Pallete played primarily policemen or gangsters in the sound era.

Pallette was known for his ultra-right political views. After World War II, Pallette bought a rural Oregan property he fortified to use in case of Russian attack. Pallette died from cancer on September 3, 1954 op 65 jaar oud.

The Kennel Murder Case (Koste skakel) runs about 73 minute. With it’s production quality and acting, it would normally be a feature film on a double bill.

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