Zbyszko Double Crosses Trio

Redko pa eno bistveno spremenijo svoj poklic, ampak Stanislaus Zbyszko storil prav to aprila,,en,Zbyszko premagala Wayne Munn v eni od zadnjega snemanja,,en,ne uprizorjena,,en,profesionalna rokoborba tekme v Združenih državah Amerike,,en,Bilo je ustrelil ali legitimno tekmo, ker Zbyszko dvojno prekoračen,,en,promocija rokoborba in premagal Munn za naslov,,en,Wayne Munn je bil zvezda nogometaš na Univerzi v Nebraski,,en,kjer je njegova,,en,funt okvir je bil nenavadno pred steroid dobe,,en,Predlagatelji Wrestling James,,en,Mondt in Billy Sandow,,en,skupaj s Svetovno Težji Wrestling prvak Ed,,en,Videl denar v veliki športnik kljub pomanjkanju wrestling sposobnosti,,en,Zaračunano kot 6,,en,velikan,,en,Trio ga skrbno ujema s kupom manj kvalificiranih rokoborcev,,en,kjer Munn bi uporabil svojo velikost in moč,,en,poraz,,en,moški,,en 15, 1925 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Zbyszko defeated Wayne Munn in one of the last shoot (not staged) professional wrestling matches in the United States. It was a shoot or legitimate match because Zbyszko double crossed the “Goldust Trio” wrestling promotion and beat Munn for the title.

“Big” Wayne Munn was a star football player at the University of Nebraska, where his 260 pound frame was unusual prior to the steroid era. Wrestling promoters James “Toots” Mondt and Billy Sandow, along with the World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Ed “Strangler” Lewis, saw money in the big athlete despite his lack of wrestling ability.


In “Strangler” Lewis and Stanislaus Zbyszko meet in center ring for the customary handshake.

Billed as a 6’06” giant, the Trio carefully matched him with a bunch of less skilled wrestlers, where Munn would use his size and strength to “defeat” the men. Značilna poteza bi videli Munn poberem rokoborec,,en,ga imajo čez sprednji trup in nato spusti človeka na tla z Munn na vrhu njega,,en,Velikost Munn je bi,,en,simpatij,,en,moški,,en,ki bi se lahko pripeti,,en,Lewis padla naslov za Munn,,en,veliko rokoborbo komentatorji sum smešno posel,,en,Munn premagal veliko Lewis po manj kot eno leto rokoborba prizadelo veliko opazovalcev, kot verjetno,,en,če ne celo nemogoče,,en,Trio nato zavrnil, da se ujema Munn z vsemi znanimi zaupanja rokoborcev, kot so Joe Stetcher zbujajo dodatne sum,,en,Trio je eno izjemo na zakonite prepovedi rokoborca,,en,year-old Stanislaus Zbyszko,,en,Old Man of Wrestling,,en,ki je bil zaračunavajo kot 50 let stara,,en,padla zgodnji naslov poskusite Munn februarja,,en,Zavedajo javnih dvomov o legitimnosti Munn je,,en, hold him across the front of his torso and then drop the man to the floor with Munn on top of him. Munn’s size would “crush” the man, who would be easily pinned.

V januarju 1925, In “Strangler” Lewis dropped the title to Munn. Vendar, many wrestling commentators suspected funny business. Munn defeating the great Lewis after less than a year wrestling struck many observers as unlikely, if not impossible.

The Trio then refused to match Munn with any known legitimate wrestlers like Joe Stetcher arousing further suspicion. The Trio made one exception to the legitimate wrestler ban. 46-year-old Stanislaus Zbyszko, “the Old Man of Wrestling” who was billed as 50-years-old, dropped an early title try to Munn in February 1925.

Aware of the public doubts about Munn’s legitimacy, Trio načrtovano drugo tekmo med Zbyszko in Munn,,en,Kljub Zbyszko v visoki starosti,,en,je imel World Težji prvenstvo za približno,,en,mesecev v,,en,V svoji mladosti,,en,Zibby,,az,je bil eden izmed redkih legitimnih izzivov do svetovnega naslova Frank Gotch je,,en,Foto Big Wayne Munn v svoji wrestling karieri iz,,en,Soočanje konec kariere in v želji, en dober pay-dan,,en,Zbyszko naredil nekaj trio ni pričakovati,,en,Obrnil Lewis,,en,sovražnik Joe Stetcher,,en,Zbyszko sklenila dogovor z Stetcher za dvojni navzkrižni Munn in ga premagal v ringu,,en,Medtem ko Munn premagala Zbyszko v manj kot,,en,minut v februarju,,en,Zbyszko prevladujejo Munn v revanš,,en,Munn mora imeti spoznal svoje zmote,,en,ko je poskušal drži,,en,ki Zbyszko zlahka otresla,,en,Osem minuti,,en,Zbyszko pobrala,,en. Despite Zbyszko’s advanced age, he held the World Heavyweight Championship for about 18 months in 1921 in 1922. In his youth, “Zibby” was one of the few legitimate challenges to Frank Gotch’s World Title.


Photo of Big Wayne Munn during his wrestling career from 1924 za 1926.

Facing the end of his career and desiring another good pay-day, Zbyszko did something the Trio never expected. Approached by Lewis’ enemy Joe Stetcher, Zbyszko made a deal with Stetcher to double cross Munn and beat him in the ring.

While Munn defeated Zbyszko in less than 30 minutes in February, Zbyszko dominated Munn in the rematch. Munn must have realized his predicament, when he attempted a hold, which Zbyszko easily shook off.

Eight minutes into the match, Zbyszko picked up the 40 kilogramov težji Munn in mu zaloputnila z mat,,en,Zbyszko uporabili podlakti in angleški pol drži, da bi dosegel prvi padec,,en,ki je bil na načrtovanem izidu,,en,je kot pretresen kot Munn,,en,Munn vrnil v garderobo za počitek, ampak Zbyszko ostal v ringu,,en,Na začetku drugega padca,,en,Zbyszko spet zaloputnil Munn,,en,Zbyszko delal Munn kot na tleh pred pripenjanje Munn z podlakti in kladivo ključavnico,,en,Po manj kot,,en,Munn ni več svetovna Težji Wrestling prvak,,en,Louis promotor Tom Paketi hitro ujema Zbyszko in Stetcher za svetovno Težji prvenstvo Wrestling,,en,ki Zbyszko padla na Stetcher,,en,Munn ostala Michigan-Illinois svetovni prvak,,en,ki je padla na Ed,,en,Stetcher in Lewis,,en,ki resnično osovraženega seboj,,en,na koncu je mir,,en,Stetcher padla njegov pas nazaj Lewis,,en. Zbyszko used a forearm and English half hold to score the first fall. The referee, who was in on the planned outcome, was as shocked as Munn.

Munn returned to the dressing room for the break but Zbyszko remained in the ring. At the start of the second fall, Zbyszko again slammed Munn. Zbyszko worked Munn over on the ground before pinning Munn with a forearm and hammer lock. After less than 14 min, Munn was no longer World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion.

St. Louis promoter Tom Packs quickly matched Zbyszko and Stecher for World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship, which Zbyszko dropped to Stecher. Munn remained the Michigan-Illinois World Champion, which he dropped to Ed “Strangler” Lewis.

Stecher and Lewis, who genuinely detested each other, eventually made peace. Stecher dropped his belt back to Lewis, ki zdruzila naslov februarja,,en,V tem času je bila Zbyszko upokojen,,en,Prihajal je iz upokojitve še enkrat v,,en,soočiti dolgo časa sovražnik,,en,Veliki Ghama,,en,fotografija Stanislaus Zbyszko,,en,Wayne Munn nikoli premagala zadrego porazu v Zbyszko,,en,Trio je poskušal povedati Munn je imel vročino in Tonsilitis, da pojasni svojo izgubo Zbyszko vendar wrestling javnost ne bili nakupom,,en,Po pada naslov v Lewis,,en,Munn boril še nekaj mesecev pred spanjem v,,en,Zaradi Zbyszko dvojnem predložku,,en,Predlagatelji rokoborba ne bi več dal naslov na izvajalca ali nekvalificirane rokoborec,,en,Predlagatelji vedno dal pas na strelec ali legitimno rokoborec,,en,ki bi lahko upravičeno zmagal,,en,če je nasprotnik šel proti urejenim izidom,,en 21, 1928. By this time Zbyszko was retired. He would come out of retirement one more time in 1930 to face long time foe, the Great Gama.


1909 photo of Stanislaus Zbyszko, ko je bil 30 stara leta

Wayne Munn never overcame the embarrassment of his defeat to Zbyszko. The Trio tried to say Munn had a fever and tonsilitis to explain his loss to Zbyszko but the wrestling public weren’t buying it. After dropping the title to Lewis, Munn wrestled for a few more months before retiring in 1926.

Due to Zbyszko’s double cross, wrestling promoters would no longer put the title on a performer or unskilled wrestler. Promoters always put the belt on a shooter or legitimate wrestler, who could legitimately win, if an opponent went against the prearranged outcome. Stanislaus Zbyszko spremenilo profesionalno rokoborbo za skoraj,en 60 let.

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Sources: The Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, Januar 13, 1925 p. 20, April 16, 1925, p. 35, and April 20, 1925, p. 21.

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