Zbyszko Knocks Out Greek Wrestler

On June 2, 1915, the International Wrestling Tournament in New York City entered its second week of competition.  Some of the tournaments big names were wrestling on this night.  Alex Aberg, George Lurich and Wladek Zbyszko would all compete.  It was Zbyszko who made the biggest impression.


Georg Lurich, one of the favorites in the International Wrestling Tournament

The first match involved two lesser talents, Pierre Le Colosse and Wilhelm Berner.  It seems all the European wrestlers wanted to take out their anger of Germany’s actions in World War I on the poor frame of Wilhelm Berner.

In the first match in the tournament, Belgian wrestler Harry De Nys bloodied Berner’s nose in a foul-filled twenty minute draw.  Pierre Le Colosse intended to outdo De Nys.

Le Colosse and Berner wrestled for twenty-five minutes without scoring an advantage.  The referee constantly had to pull the wrestlers apart for fouling.

At the twenty-five minute mark, Le Colosse fish hooked Berner in the mouth and tried to tear his cheek.  No longer able to ignore such a blatant violation, the referee named Bothner disqualified Le Colosse.

Another tournament favorite, George Lurich barely survived a 20 minute draw with Harry De Nys.  While he could not win a match for himself, De Nys was proving to be a tough customer for some of the best wrestlers in the tournament.

The odds on favorite to win the tournament did not disappoint.  European champion Alex Aberg threw Nicolo Montagno in 4 minutes, 35 seconds with a neck and body hold.  Promoter Sam Rachman believed Aberg the natural successor to Frank Gotch.  Another wrestler had different ideas.


Wladek Zbyszko in 1917

Stanislaus Zbyszko gave Gotch several tough bouts.  Over shadowed by his older brother, Wladek Zbyszko entered this tournament determined to make an impressive showing.  Zbyszko was matched against Greek wrestler Gus Karvaras in a Greco-Roman rules match.

Karvaras proved to be a tough customer.  Zbyszko attacked him for 35 minutes but failed to secure a hold.  With surprising speed for a wrestler fatigued by 35 minutes of strenuous wrestler, Zbyszko secured a reverse body hold.

Karvaras realized the helplessness of his position.  In desperation, he grabbed Zbyszko’s leg.  In Greco-Roman wrestling, holds are not allowed below the waste.  Karvaras actions were a blatant disregard for the rules and grounds for disqualification.

Karvaras refused to heed the referee’s order to release Zbyszko’s leg.  After giving Karvaras time to release his leg, Zbyszko slammed Karvaras to the ground.  The slam was so powerful Karvaras was knocked unconscious.  Zbyszko’s had was raised as he left the crumpled form of Karvaras on the canvas.

No one recorded Aberg’s reaction to the slam.  When would these men meet?

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