Eran Trece (1931)


Eran Trece (1931) is the Spanish language version of Charlie Chan Carries On. Charlie Chan Carries On has not survived or at least has not been found yet, so this film (affliliate link) gives us our only look at the lost film. While it was based on the same story, the film had a completely different cast. Charlie Chan does

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帕克齐默尔曼和龙卷风 1949


我的曾祖父帕克是最大的自然灾害袭击开普吉拉多之一的受害者, MO, 该 1949 龙卷风. 它击中了城市上周六, 五月 21, 1949 在 06:54 比前收市价. 由 7:00 下午, 帕克齐默尔曼死在 74 岁. I always found my great grandfather interesting because he led such a varied life

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