
汤姆HYER荣获美国裸关节职业拳击锦标赛 1841. 像十九世纪的大部分职业拳击冠军, 他没有打很多时候. HYER正常支付账单他作为一个执行者在纽约政党. 原来, 海尔为辉格党发挥了他的才能,但后来转而效忠于辉格党 “一无所知党” with his friend William “条例草案屠夫” 到.


Tom Hyer in Fighting Shape

38-year-old Yankee Sullivan was born James Ambrose in Ireland but grew up in London’s East End. After receiving a twenty year sentence in Australia, of which he served eight, Sullivan organized a gang. 受够了沙利文的滑稽动作, 澳大利亚当局开始对他施压. 沙利文认为纽约提供了更好的可能性.

当沙利文到达纽约时, 他声称在澳大利亚参加过许多职业拳击比赛 (which could not be verified). 沙利文几乎立即挑战海尔的头衔. 双方同意. 男人们在 Still Pond 战斗, Maryland on February 7, 1849. Prizefighting was illegal, so they had to move the bout once as they just avoided an army of policemen sent by Maryland authorities. 战士和他们的副手实际上是为了逃避逮捕而与警察作战.

Sullivan’s and Hyer’s seconds met at 4 比前收市价. 在斯蒂尔池塘. The men fought at 5 比前收市价. 由 5:30 下午, Hyer had successfully defended his title.

Sullivan started out strong. Observers had Sullivan winning the first three round handily. Sullivan scored the first knockdown at the end of the third with a blow to Hyer’s neck. 这个稳健的投篮唤醒了冠军.


Yankee Sullivan in Fighting Togs

Hyer picked up the pace and drew first blood. While both Hyer’s eyes were swollen, Hyer seriously injured Sullivan’s right eye. Hyer also threw Sullivan a couple of times. 在裸拳职业拳击比赛中投掷是合法的. 一次成功的投掷通常结束一轮.

The February air was very cold, so neither fighter was taking much rest. They seemed determined to keep the fight going and rested little between rounds.

Hyer twisted Sullivan’s right arm in the fifteenth round but his most damaging tactic was not letting Sullivan fall. Hyer realized that Sullivan was injured in the sixteenth round. As Sullivan started to fall to end the round, Hyer caught him and trapped Sullivan’s head under his arm.

Hyer held Sullivan up as he pummeled him with powerful blow after blow. When Sullivan became to heavy for Hyer to hold up, he released Yankee’s limp body. Sullivan was unable to come back to the scratch in time delivering the victory to Hyer.

According to the February 17, 1849 版的 Sunbury American (Sunbury, 宾夕法尼亚) Sullivan had to be carried from the ring by his supporters, while Champion Hyer quickly bundled up and took a boat back to Frenchtown. Sullivan’s face showed the full effect of the battle, 而海尔的眼睛周围肿胀.


Tom Hyer as seen on a tobacco advertisement

Hyer and Sullivan quickly returned to New York to avoid arrest. They also buried the hatchet. When Hyer retired in 1851 without fighting again, Sullivan claimed the title. Hyer and “条例草案屠夫” backed Sullivan in his battle with John Morrissey, a prizefighter and Tammany Hall enforcer.

After the end of his prizefighting career, Sullivan travelled to San Francisco, where he became an enforcer for the local political machine. He committed suicide or was killed while in the custody of the San Francisco Vigilance Committee in 1856.

According to newspaper reports, he slit his wrist with a knife brought with his dinner on July 1, 1856. Due to Sullivan’s death in Vigilance Committee custody, 一些观察家认为沙利文是被义务警员杀害的,但没有提供真正的证据.

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