
安倍Attell是一個艱難的拳擊手. 他贏得了世界羽量級拳擊冠軍兩次. 他和他的弟弟蒙是第一個兄弟是世界拳擊冠軍的同時蒙贏得了世界最輕量級冠軍後,.

安倍晉三Attell贏得了他的第一個冠軍時,他是基於列西區拳擊俱樂部在聖. 路易, MO. During his second title run in 1906, he fought out of California. A hearing on December 31, 1904 在聖. Louis may have been the reason for the relocation.

A talented boxer Abe Attell hung out with some unsavory characters. He was a friend of Arnold Rothstein, a notorious gambler and gangster. When Rothstein arranged to fix the 1919 World Series by bribing several members of the Chicago White Sox, Abe Attell reportedly delivered the money. Attell was also known to gamble. 在 1904, his bad habits caught up with him in St. 路易.

Abe Attell was scheduled to fight John Reed in Chicago during late 1904. While future champions Johnny Regan and Monte Attell were training at Mannion’s Park, Abe Attell and John Reed agreed to go the distance and have their fight end in a draw. 湯姆·史密斯也意​​識到了協議,以解決戰鬥.



根據一月 1, 1905 版的 聖. 路易共和國, the directors of the West End Club summoned the five fighters to the club for a hearing on December 31, 1904. 主席查爾斯·霍頓. 他加入了由湯姆·Kutis, 詹姆斯·史密斯, 威廉·米爾斯和皮爾斯基利安. Charles Haughton called Johnny Regan as the first witness in the fight fixing hearing.

Johnny Regan testified he observed Abe Attell and John Reed agree to go the distance, 所以戰鬥會以平局結束. 裡根表示,他不會參加固定的戰鬥. 起初, 董事會暫停約翰尼·裡根半年,但主席霍頓堅信自己被欺騙了其他董事 “精明的固定器”. 他們免除裡根和恢復他良好的信譽.

主席查爾斯·霍頓叫蒙Attell和湯姆·史密斯在明年. 文章沒有說霍頓採訪要么男人. 他只是說話很嚴厲地對他們,然後將它們恢復到良好的信譽以及. 安倍晉三Attell和約翰·里德就沒有這麼幸運.

主席霍頓採訪安倍晉三Attell, 誰考上固定與里德的戰鬥. 董事會暫停Attell一年. 然而, 經過進一步的討論, 董事會暫停Attell半年. 暫停可能導致安倍Attell決定回到加州.

約翰·里德, 誰最初打了芝加哥的固定戰鬥發生在哪裡, 還考上了固定的比賽. 他也被禁賽一年, 將其減少至六個月. Haughton stated that the men were not suspended for fixing the fight but because both men placed bets on the fight.

Haughton made the following statement to the 聖. 路易共和國. “Every member of the West End Club is entitled to the protection of the institution, fighter, patron or promoter can hope to cast a shade of suspicion on the club without having justice meted out to him, or them, with the greatest impartiality.”

These men must be applauded for taking action could and did end up with them to losing some fighters. It would be easy to cut corners to keep a talented fighter like Abe Attell but these men decided the reputation of their club was more important. Abe Attell did leave St. Louis but the board retained their reputations.

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