馬丁 “農民” 伯恩斯今天是著名的傳奇選手弗蘭克Gotch的教練. “農民” 伯恩斯是在自己的權利有很大的摔跤手. 伯恩斯贏得了合法的職業摔跤時代的美國重量級摔跤冠軍,儘管僅是 165 英鎊. 在 1891, 伯恩斯作為艾奧瓦州重量級冠軍,並於JC. 康斯托克, 密歇根州重量級冠軍.
J.C. Comstock was coming off an impressive victory over Jack Carkeek, 康沃爾摔跤冠軍來自密歇根州. Based on this victory, many sporting men thought Comstock could beat “農民” 伯恩斯. 康斯托克, a true heavyweight, would have a significant size and strength advantage over Burns.
上週五, 四月 24, 1891, 伯恩斯和康斯托克各提出了一個 $50 side bet to supplement the $50 從岩島美元的錢包, IL體育俱樂部. 該 $150 purse was on the line, when the men met on Thursday, 四月 30, 1891. Comstock started strong but faded as the match continued.
本場比賽是五分之三跌倒的事. 比賽開始時 8:45 比前收市價. Comstock pressed Burns but couldn’t maintain a hold on the smaller Burns. 後 19 分鐘, Comstock was finally able to get a hold on Burns and throw him. 具有較強的努力, Comstock pressed “農民的” 肩膀墊的首次下降. 這將是康斯托克唯一亮點.
After ten minutes rest, 男人回來了,第二秋天. 在清楚地疲於奔命康斯托克只持續了5分半鐘才燒傷寄託了他與前Nelson和hammerlock.
兩分鐘進入第三秋天, Comstock’s nose began to bleed causing a medical stoppage. Comstock recovered a little but “農民” 伯恩斯拿起他除了為之後的第三個秋天 25 與另一條戰線尼爾森和hammerlock分鐘.
康斯托克的服務員的拼命扇他恢復一些精力在他身上,但他花了. “農民” Burns grabbed many holds but only put the finishing touches on the last fall when he felt comfortable Comstock was done. 他把第四個也是最後落隨 $150 錢包 12 用雙armlock分鐘.
馬丁 “農民” 伯恩斯一定很喜歡岩島, IL because he established his wrestling gym there. 等等, he trained Frank Gotch at this facility. “農民” 伯恩斯將成為一個全職教練之前搏鬥了十多年. Many wrestlers were happy to see the talented “農民” 退休.
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