
在早期的 1916, 马丁 “农民” 伯恩斯, 谁训练和管理,弗兰克·戈奇世界重量级冠军, 开始否认自己开发的目前的美国重量级冠军乔·施特彻. 的要求似乎有些奇怪,因为伯恩斯已经与施特歇尔工作几年. 伯恩斯帮助他的冠军回合与查理·卡特勒在准备施特歇尔 1915.

在某种方式, what Burns said was true because Stecher learned from both his brother Tony and wrestling coaches in Nebraska before meeting “农民” 伯恩斯. While a senior in high school and only 16 岁, Stecher almost defeated professional wrestler Dr. Benjamin Roller. Stecher received excellent training before he met “农民” 伯恩斯.


Photo of Stecher and Zbyszko wrestling at St. Louis University Field on May 30, 1925

然而, Burns polished Stecher, who he met after Stecher turned pro in 1912. While Burns was touring with Yussif Mahmout, who was challenging all comers in a carnival setting, Stecher answered his challenge. Mahmout had to bite Stecher to be disqualifed after being caughter in Stecher’s scissor hold.

Stecher defeated Cutler for the vacant American Heavyweight Championship, under Burn’s tutelage. So why would Burns distance himself from Stecher? It was actually quite simple. The men were preparing for a “worked” or prearranged exhibition with former undisputed World Champion Frank Gotch.

The wrestling public and more importantly the sporting press were skeptical of the legitimacy of wrestling bouts. Charges of “faking” outcomes dogged the sport since at least the 1870s. Gotch worked many legitimate matches in his career but also took part in “worked” exhibitions. Gotch was motivated to put Stecher over and pass the torch to his and Burnsyoung protege because Gotch was tired of being challenged.

弗兰克 -  gotch


After his 1911 marriage to his wife Gladys, Frank Gotch wrestled fewer and fewer matches. He retired as reigning world champion after beating Georg Lurich in 1913. 然而, wrestlers such as Aleksander “亚历克斯” Aberg continued to challenge him over the next couple of years. Gotch was like the retired gunfighter that every young gunsel wanted to make a reputation on.

If Gotch lost to Stecher, it would end all the challenges. The public already looked at Stecher as Gotch’s successor, so this victory would cement the prevailing view. Both Gotch and Burns liked Tony and Joe Stecher. They saw it as a win-win for everyone.

然而, Gotch was injured in training during 1916 and the match never occurred. Gotch died at only 40 years of age from blood poisoning in December 1917. Despite notdefeating” Gotch, the wrestling public continued to recognize Stecher as the champion. Burns would be free to continue working with Stecher.

Stecher won the world championship several times before retiring in 1934. He later suffered some type of breakdown and spent 30 years in an assisted living facility.

Lou Thesz held Tony Stecher, who by the 1930s was a promoter, in high regard. He met Joe Stecher several times. While he was impressed by Joe’s accomplishments and was very kind when they met, Thesz also said Joe’s mental health challenges were obvious to anyone who interacted with him. He died at 80 在岁 1974.

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Source: 圣. Louis Star-Times, 二月 1, 1916 版, p. 9 和 妓女 通过路·塞兹

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