Mahmout Beats Jenkins hauv ncaj ntog


Nyob thanksgiving nyob America, Hnub plaub, Kaum ib hlis 26, 1908, Yussouff Mahmout wrestled qub American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Tom Jenkins ntawm Madison Square vaj nyob New York City. Mahmout nyuam qhuav rau lub teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas wrestle Frank Gotch rau lub ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Yog Mahmout tua yeej Jenkins, Mahmout yuav pom los ua ib bona fide challenger rau Gotch. Jenkins yog tus

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Jack Claybourne Missouri Roots


Jack Claybourne, one of the earliest African-American, professional wrestlers, was born Elmer Claybourn at Mexico, Missouri, nyob tim 8, 1910. Nyob rau hauv 1910, Mexico was home to about 5,939 cov neeg. Claybourne started his professional wrestling career in Missouri in 1931. Chiv, Claybourne wrestled in nearby Moberly, Missouri. Moberly had a population of 13,722 residents compared to 8,290 residents in Mexico, Missouri

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Ua ntej nws tau Ed “Strangler” Lewis


Wrestling historians xav txog xws li Ed "Strangler" Lewis los yog Frank Gotch yuav tus loj tshaj American kev wrestler. Thaum peb paub heev txog cov hauj lwm thaum ntxov ntawm Frank Gotch, Peb paub ntau tsawg txog cov hauj lwm thaum ntxov ntawm Ed "Strangler" Lewis. Ntau qhov chaw thov Lewis kawm catch-as-catch-can wrestling hauv lub carnivals thaum nws tsuas plaub xyoos. Lewis

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Jack Pfefer Exposes Pro Wrestling


Thaum ntxov 1930s thaum ntxov, Cov haib tshaj promoters hauv kev wrestling, Jack Curley, Joseph "Toots" Mondt, Paul Bowser, Thiab Tom Packs tseg ob-crosses rau sib hurting tag nrho yog nqus hwj huam ntawm lawv wrestlers. Thaum tsov rog promotional, Jack Pfefer aligned nws tus kheej nrog Jack Curley thiab "Toots" Mondt, Leej twg khiav tawm hauv New York City. Nyob lig 1933, Curley thiab

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Ua ntej Caddock-Stecher Match


Kuv muab ib ob saib no match tom qab mloog cov kev sib txuas thiab Wrestle podcast sib tham nrog Mike Chapman, Yog ib tus foremost ua hauj lwm rau Frank Gotch. Mike Chapman muab tso rau ib tug sib cav convincing rau nws ntseeg tias ob Earl Caddock vs. Joe Stecher ntiaj teb npe qhov yuam kev tau "shoots" los yog tseeb contests. Tom qab rov muab cov nyiaj ntawm tus account

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Zoo kawg thiab Gama Wrestles Stanislaus Zbyszko


Rau hnub Saturday, Cuaj hlis 10, 1910, Stanislaus Zbyszko, Tshiab tawm ntawm nws thawj ncig xyuas ntawm lub teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas, Wrestled tus poj Gama ntawm shepherd lub hav txwv yeem chaw ntau pob nyob rau London, Hais. 7,000 spectators crowded rau hauv lub chaw ntau pob saib ntais ntawv. ob peb lub lis piam lawm, Mr. Benjamin coj ib pawg Pehlwani wrestlers ntawm khej mus wrestle hauv hais. Kiv cua xav txog qhov zoo kawg thiab Gama

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Joe Stecher Wrestles rau lub xeev title


Joe Stecher ua nws kev wrestling debut lig 1912 ntxov 1913. Stecher proved tau ib yus kev los pib ntawm nws cov hauj lwm. Martin "Farmer" Burns, Tus storied wrestler thiab tus kws qhia, coj ib yam ntawm nws proteges, Yussiff Hussane, Mus kuaj Stecher hauv ib contest tseeb contest thaum lub rau hli ntuj 1913. Kub yus thiab feem ntau followers ntawm cov kev ua si nawv xav pom Hussane

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Lewis Wrestles Demetral


Tuesday, Lub kaum hli ntuj 21, 1913, Ed "Strangler" Lewis defended nws tshiab khiv yeej American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship tiv thaiv William Demetral. Lewis wrestled Demetral ntawm Lexington auditorium rau ib mat xwb tsis txhob muaj ib lub nplhaib. Tus mat setup ua si ib lub luag hauj lwm nyob rau hauv cov tas ntais ntawv. Promoter Jerry Phab ntsa tso ib mat rau theem elevated, ib setup ua ntej qhov ntau

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Txhawb Wrestling


Kev wrestling evolved rau hauv ib exhibition exhibition ntawm tseeb contests rau ob yam. Kuv tau sau ntawv kim heev txog thawj vim li cas. Tseeb contests ntawm equally skilled wrestlers tau feem ntau ntev, boring affairs nrog me ntsis tes hauj lwm. Cov contests muab tua kiv cua thiab tiv thaiv kev wrestling exploding ua ib spectator kev ua si nawv. Kuv tsis tau sau ntau txog qhov thib ob. Tus

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Lewis yeej American npe


Ua ntej wrestling hauv Kentucky hauv lub 1910s thaum ntxov, Wrestling kiv cua paub Ed "Strangler" Lewis li Bob Fredrichs. Yug Robert Friedrich hauv Nekoosa, Wisconsin, Lewis ua nws kev wrestling debut hauv 1905, tseem tsuas 14 xyoo. Kentucky promoters xav Bob Fredrichs ib yam nkaus thiab dawb, Ces Lewis xaiv nws lub npe tshiab raws li ib homage rau koj txog haujlwm Wisconsin haiv neeg thiab thawj

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