Paul Pons Hometowned nyob rau 1900


Paul Pons yog ib tug Fabkis Greco-Roman Wrestling tau zus ib. Nws zoo txaus muab George Hackenschmidt ib tug mus dhia rau nws cov nyiaj nyob rau ob peb tournaments. Txawm li cas los, Thaum twg nws tuaj rau Chicago rau 1900, Nws yog “tua yeej” yog ib qhov chaw wrestler. Cov muaj tej yam uas tsis tau tawm rau muab qhov kev kawm ntau. Paul Pons mus rau lub tebchaws hauv 1900. One

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McVey KOs Ferguson


Rau lub yim hli ntuj 11, 1915, current World Colored Heavyweight Boxing Champion Sam McVey fought Sandy Ferguson in Boston, Massachusetts at the Atlas Athletic Association gym. McVey fought in an era where promoters froze out all the African American boxers, except the great Jack Johnson, from fighting for the world championship. McVey defeated most of the other great Black fighters of this

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Tus txiv neej tua tuag Middleweight vaj


Tom qab thaj tsam 9 fights ib xyoos li yav tag los 7 xyoo, Ntiaj teb Middleweight Boxing tau zus ib Stanley “Tus neeg tua neeg Michigan” Ketchel nyob sab lim. Ketchel muab ib so ntawm Missouri ranch ntawm nws cov phooj ywg R Vws. P. Dickerson nyob rau hauv ib txoj kev los tsam lub cav muab nws lub zog thiab tej yam txaus siab rau cov. Ketchel never returned from vacation as he was shot and killed at

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Marvin Hart yeej tsis muaj lub Title


Nyob rau lub Xya hli ntuj 3, 1905, Marvin Hart nkag mus kev sib ntaus hauv lub ntiaj teb uas tsis muaj npe ua ib tug 3 mus 1 underdog. Jack cag uas yuav muaj thawj lub teeb heavyweight championship yog cov nyiam kom ua tiav cov nyuam qhuav retired James J. Jeffries. Jeffries yuav referee no npe match muab nws. Marvin Hart twb nyuam qhuav raug ntaus Jack Johnson. Widely considered the

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Txhaj koob tshuaj tivthaiv ned O'Baldwin


Nyob rau thaum lub peb hlis ntuj 1873, yas tes mus khaws prizefighter Ned “Cov Irish loj heev” O'Baldwin yog npaj rau ib tug neeg match nrog Jem Mace, uas tau thov lub ntiaj teb mus khaws khauj tsiav Prizefighting Championship. Txawm li cas los, ua ntej O'Baldwin yuav fim Mace, nws txais kev pab raws li muaj ob tus phooj ywg thiab koj txog haujlwm hu ua Hicken prizefighter. Professional fighting in the 19th Century enjoyed a poor reputation outside of

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John Berg yeej ntau hauv lub teeb Championship


John Berg yog ib tug zoo txaus wrestler ntsia Martin “Ua teb” Burns ob zaug tab sis yog feem coob xav li cas txog li ib tug sib zog zoo wrestler. Berg nyob rau lub ntiaj teb sib Heavyweight Wrestling Championship nyob hauv lub caij 1910s thiab competed tus Middleweight Title, uas yog contested rau 158 phaus. Berg tu luj ntawm plaub phaus tiam sis yeej ntais ntawv. Berg wrestled in

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Irish Giant Bashes Wormald


Nyob rau lub kaum hli ntuj 29, 1868, “Irish loj heev” Ned O'Baldwin thiab prizefighter Hmong Joe Wormald ntsib hauv yas tes mus khaws nqi zog-sib ntaus saab nrau Boston hauv Lynnville, Massachusetts. O'Baldwin sawv 6’06” siab thiab weighed ib ncig 220 phaus. Khoom ntawm ib tug tsausmuag maag, O'Baldwin muaj tus cwj pwm zoo meej rau lub nplhaib tiam sis tsis kev txawj saab nrau nws. Kiv cua ntawm ob tug txiv neej los txog hauv

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Gotch vs. Hackenschmidt tsis muaj


"Tsis txhob dam kuv txhais ceg!"Raws li tus ob tug txiv neej npag struggled nyob rau hauv qhov chaw ntawm lub nplhaib, tus txiv neej nyob rau saum tseem ua hauj lwm rau tus txiv neej ntawd tsis ceg. Dua, Hmoob txawm cem tus txiv neej nyob hauv qab, "Thov txhob dam kuv txhais ceg!” Frank Gotch looked over at his rival George Hackenschmidt, uas yog writhing cuab kev mob. Dua li ntawm ib lub hauv caug mob mob, Hackenschmidt

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Terry txaus ntshai yeej Bantam Title

txaus ntshai-terry-mcgovern

“Phem heev” Terry McGovern tau ib lub koob npe nrov ua ib tug tus punchers haib tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv keeb kwm ntawm cov chav haujlwm Mental sib zog ntawm kev boxing. McGovern weighed ntawm 112 thiab 126 phaus. Tsis zoo li tus koj txog haujlwm me fighters, leej twg overwhelmed nws tw nrog xuas nrig ntaus ntim, McGovern khoom fais fab exceptional knockout. McGovern proved nws lub hwj huam rau hnub, Cuaj hlis 12, 1899, when he fought British

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