Gotch vs. Hackenschmidt tsis muaj

"Tsis txhob dam kuv txhais ceg!"Raws li tus ob tug txiv neej npag struggled nyob rau hauv qhov chaw ntawm lub nplhaib, tus txiv neej nyob rau saum tseem ua hauj lwm rau tus txiv neej ntawd tsis ceg. Dua, Hmoob txawm cem tus txiv neej nyob hauv qab, "Thov txhob dam kuv txhais ceg!”

Frank Gotch ntsia nws rival George Hackenschmidt, uas yog writhing cuab kev mob. Dua li ntawm ib lub hauv caug mob mob, Hackenschmidt mus rau lub rematch xeeb hnub lis xaus 1911.


Gotch vs. Hackenschmidt is available at Amazon in hardcover, paperback and Kindle e-book.

Gotch snarled, "Dab tsi?"Hackenschmidt dua, "Thov txhob dam kuv txhais ceg." Hais plainly Gotch, "Yuav muaj yuav ntog." Hackenschmidt hesitated rau ib feeb ua ntej yuav pw sab nraum qab rau ob thiab txiav txim siab seb caij nplooj zeeg, ib tug climactic los xaus rau tus thib ob uas feem ntau muab ntais wrestling ntawv nyob hauv qhov tseeb wrestling era.

Ntais ntawv yog lub rooj sab laj thib ob ntawm tus txiv neej. Nyob rau hnub tim 3, 1908, tam sim no ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling tau zus ib George Hackenschmidt ntsib American Heavyweight Wrestling tau zus ib Frank Gotch hauv pro wrestling version ntawm Match The ntawm lub xyoo pua. Ntseg txij thaum 1905, lub combatants thaum kawg tswm ntawm ib qhov chaw nyob thiab hnub rau hauv ntais ntawv ntxov 1908.

George Hackenschmidt yeej lub qab ntuj Greco-Roman Heavyweight Wrestling Championship hauv 1901. Nws ho tus tom ntej xya xyoo touring lub ntiaj teb defending nws championship. Ib weightlifter muas thaum chiv thawj thiab nrog ntau ntiaj teb weightlifting ntaub ntawv, "Tus Tsov Lavxias teb sab" nws yog ib tug ntawm cov haib tshaj cov txiv neej hauv wrestling keeb kwm.

Taw ntsees tsuas 5'09 "siab, "Hack" weighed ntawm 209 thiab 218 phaus hauv nws prime. Thaum nws approached ntais ntawv nrog Gotch, ntseeg wrestling observers Hackenschmidt los tau ze li ntawm unbeatable. Yam dhau los sib tw kom nws reign tuaj ntawm "The txaus ntshai Turk", Ahmed Madrali. Hackenschmidt pinned Madrali hauv 41 seconds after dislocating Madrali’s arm with a hammerlock.

Gotch pib wrestling rau lub caij 1890s txog rau tib lub sijhawm nrog Hackenschmidt. Gotch came to the attention of Martin “Farmer” Burns. Yuav mus ua ntej ntais ntawv, qhov tsuas khob Gotch heev uas tsis muaj kev kawm txawj thoob ntiaj teb. Hackenschmidt muaj lawm touring cov ntiaj teb tau xya xyoo. Gotch did all of his wrestling in the United States excluding a brief stint in the Klondike during 1901. Txawm li cas los, lub xyoo touring ntuj lawm "Hack" ntau tshaj li qhov nws pab nws.

Hackenschmidt twb tsis tau tua yeej nyob hauv ib lub nplhaib rau xya xyoo. Nws tuav txhua credible challenger tsis muaj npe Frank Gotch. Frank Gotch lost to St. Louis Champion Oscar Wasem in 1901, to Tom Jenkins in 1905 and Fred Beell in 1906 but otherwise maintained an stellar record in legitimate contests. Ua mus ua loj tshaj tseeb wrestling ntais ntawv puas nyob rau lub teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas lub anticipation.

Tom qab tsev txaus siab rau cov kev ua si nws nrog thawj ntais ntawv, the second match brought back all the doubts about its legitimacy. Fans stayed away for years after the controversy of the second match. Yog hais tias tus thawj bout los ua qhov kev ua si nawv, qhov thib ob bout wrecked nws.

Gotch vs. Hackenschmidt: Lub qhov yuam kev uas ua thiab puas tseeb kev Wrestling Miskas is available on Amazon in hardcover, paperback, and e-book.

Koj yuav tawm ib saib los nug cov lus nug txog qhov no los yog tej tsev xa rau kuv Facebook phab thiab Twitter profile.

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