Mail Order JuJitsu in 1921


An ad was printed in the January 16, 1921 מהדורה של סנט. Louis Post-Dispatch advertising a mail order course on Jujitsu from Capt. Allan Smith. Capt. Smith was originally born in Scotland but was fascinated with demonstrations of Japanese Jujitsu (actually Judo) he saw in England. Smith traveled to Japan with a company and learned Judo reaching 1st degree

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מאלדון לקורות עם סאליבן


ויליאם מלדון היה אלוף העולם במשקל כבד היאבקות מכהן איש תרבות גוף ציינה, when Muldoon was engaged by John L. הספונסרים של סאליבן כדי לקבל הקרב שלהם בכושר. סאליבן היה אלוף התגוששות אגרופים חשופים העולם במשקל כבד המכהן. הוא חתם על הסכם לפגוש המתמודד הקשה ביותר שלו, ג'ייק Kilrain, ביולי 1889. סאליבן הודה שהוא היה במצב רע,

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עלה לדן הרביעי

הוענק ב-4-דן-ב-31 בינואר-2020

ביום חמישי, ינואר 31, 2020, הגראנדמאסטר פט ווסמן קידם אותי לדן הרביעי בטאקוונדו בשיעור המתקדם. כשהתחלתי שיעורים אצל רב-המאסטר ווסמן ובעלה ארט, לא חזיתי להגיע לאבן דרך זו. במקור התחלתי לקחת שיעורים עם אחייני ג'ים באביב 1995. אחרי שהתחתנו ב 1996, הפסקתי לקחת שיעורים במשך כמה

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Demonstrating Ju-Jitsu


Yukio Tani arrived in England at the turn of the 20th Century. Tani spread ju-jitsu by taking part in challenge matches against professional wrestlers. As part of these challenge matches, Tani demonstrated ju-jitsu. Through the success of these challenges and demonstrations, Tani saw many students sign up to train with him. One of Tani’s best English students used the stage

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Choque, Vol. 2


With Choque, Vol. 2 (Amazon affiliate link), Roberto Pedreira picks up the story of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in what he considers its heyday in Brazil, 1950 – 1960. Besides Carlos and Helio Gracie, several other academies, such as Oswaldo Fadda’s, were also thriving. Judo was gaining in popularity but had not overcome Jiu-Jitsu in popularity. Vale Tudo matches were at the height

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Choque, נפח 1


I recently read Choque: The Untold Story of Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil, נפח 1 by Roberto Pedreira (Amazon affiliate link), which tells an alternate story of BJJ’s beginnings than we have been told by in various interviews with members of the Gracie Family. “Choquetranslates toshockingin Brazilian Portuguese. While Pedreira exhaustively researches and cites primary sources, mostly Brazilian newspapers,

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דרישות דירוג האקדמיה

מבצעים של קנת-קלב-דרגה

The first three ranks in the Zimmerman Self-Defense System are Yellow Belt, Orange Belt, and Green Ranks. These ranks represent the beginning curriculum. The intermediate ranks are Blue Belt and Purple Ranks. The advanced ranks are Brown and Red Ranks. After training for a minimum of 4 years and being at least 16 ישן שנים, a student can test for

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Brilliant If Not Entertaining


Ryan Hall fought Gray Maynard at the TUF 24 Finale on December 3, 2016. I heard about the bout on the Anik and Florian podcast. Ray Longo talked about the bout and shared his concerns that Hall completely shut down Maynard but his style may make it difficult for him to get fights. After watching the bout, אני מבין מה

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About Leg Locks


I recently watched the Eddie Bravo Invitational 13: The Lightweights, where über talented Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt Gary Tonan defended his title. I enjoy the EBIs more than most of the other non-UFC events on UFC Fight Pass, the Ultimate Fighting Championship subscription streaming service. Tonan is famous for his leg locks but I noticed most of the competitors were

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