約翰·L. Sullivan Arrested


週二, 十一月 18, 1884, World Heavyweight Bare-Knuckle Prizefighting Champion John L. Sullivan fought Al Greenfield at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Sullivan needed to overcome more than just his opponent in this bout. The men originally agreed to fight on Monday, 十一月 17, 1884, but New York City authorities threatened the men with arrest. The wrangling with

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Blackburn and Langford Go Distance


Charles Henry “Jack” Blackburn achieved his greatest fame as the trainer of World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Joe Louis from 1934 至 1942. Louis is widely considered to be one of the top three to five heavyweights in professional boxing history and some consider him the best heavyweight fighter. “Jack” 布萊克本培養了這位年輕冠軍的天賦並幫助了他

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山姆·蘭福德 KOs Battlin’ 吉姆·約翰遜


週二, 十二月 12, 1916, 山姆·蘭福德捍衛 “Colored World Heavyweight Boxing Championship”, 他在二月份從山姆麥克維亞那裡贏得了 1916. 之間 1904 和 1919, 最好的非裔美國拳擊手, 或像蘭福德這樣的加拿大黑人, 被困在互相爭鬥 “有色” 錦標賽. 如果白人戰士確實與他們戰鬥, 只是為了發展自己的聲譽

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Kilrain Battles Godfrey in Brutal Fight


上週五, 三月 13, 1891, Jake Kilrain fought George Godfrey at the California Athletic Club in San Francisco, 加州. The men fought for a trophy and $5,000. 男子們進入擂台的時間是 9:52 比前收市價. 威廉·馬爾登, former World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, seconded Kilrain, who Muldoon trained for this fight. Muldoon trained Kilrain’s opponent, 約翰·L. 沙利文, for their 1889

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