Joe Stecher Beats Ad Santel


Joe Stecher pib tawm 1915, Ib fateful xyoo rau nws cov hauj lwm, Muaj ib tug yeej nyob Adolph Ernst. Ernst wrestled nyob rau hauv lub npe Otto Carpenter rau ntais ntawv no tab sis yog paub tias kev wrestling kiv cua li Ad Santel. Santel muaj ib lub koob npe nrov deserved rau ib vicious “hooker”, Ib wrestler skilled hauv submission tuas. Stecher yog ib tug 22 xyoo Nebraskan, leej twg ua

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“Toots” Mondt Dies hauv St. Louis


Nyob rau lub rau hli ntuj 11, 1976, Yos Xes “Toots” Mondt tuag enroute rau Christian Northeast tsev kho mob nyob rau sab qaum teb St. Louis County. Mondt twb nyuam qhuav txav los rau St. Louis hauv 1969 Pab saib xyuas nws tus poj niam Alda niam. Tom qab nws niam tuag nyob rau hauv 1971, Tus Mondts txiav txim siab nyob hauv St. Louis, Qhov twg Alda twb tau yug thiab tsa ceg. Mondt yog ib legendary

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Nco Ntsoov Wayne Munn


txoj kev “Loj” Munn tus meteoric sawv hauv kev wrestling. Debuting hauv 1924, Munn “yeej” Lub ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling Championship ntawm Ed “Strangler” Lewis nyob rau thaum ntxov 1925. Nws lub caij nplooj zeeg cia li ceev ceev. Los ntawm 1926, Munn yog txijnkawm. Ib tug kawm ntawv qib siab football kab ntawm Nebraska, Munn yog recruited rau hauv kev wrestling los Billy Sandow, defacto coj ntawm cov kub Trio Trio. Tus

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Beell Wins Title


Fred Beell yog ib qho muaj zog, Tuav kev wrestler ntawm tus tig ntawm lub xyoo pua 20th. Beell muab tag nrho cov wrestlers zoo wrestlers ntawm hnub tawv contests tab sis nws tsis muaj luaj li cas hampered nws muaj peev xwm nrog ntiaj teb hoob kawm wrestlers. Txawm tias haib ua tau, Beell yog generously teev nyob 5’06”. Thaum nws heaviest, Beell yeej tsis tshaj 170 phaus. Thaum possessing ib bodybuilder lub bodybuilder

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Lewis thiab Roeber Unify Npe


Thaum William Muldoon txijnkawm los ntawm kev wrestling hauv 1889, Nws npaj siab rau nws protégé, Ernst Roeber, Ua lub ntiaj teb tshiab Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Txij thaum Muldoon ib txwm defended nws championship hauv lub Greco-Roman wrestling style, Nws xaiv ua kev txiav txim zoo. Roeber yog arguably qhov zoo Greco-Roman wrestler hauv America thaum lub sij hawm. Txawm li cas los, Tus kiv cua wrestling thiab journalist, npog cov kev ua si nawv,

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“Ua teb” Burns Holds Off Charles Green

Martin-yawg-kub yus

In a recent post, I wrote about Charles Green’s unsuccessful attempt to defeat Evan “Strangler” Lewis hauv 1889. Ib lub xyoos tom qab, Green had greater success with another American wrestling legend, Martin “Ua teb” Zaus. The soon-to-be 29-year-old Burns was an excellent wrestler but wasn’t yet on the level of Evan Lewis. Txawm li cas los, he would have to be in the top 10

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Lewis thiab Stecher tua ib lub sij hawm dhau lub sij hawm


Kub Dust Trio dominance ntawm kev wrestling nyob rau thaum ntxov mus-1920s bred ntau resentment nrog lwm wrestlers thiab promoters. This professional jealousy led to a famous double-cross in 1925. Txij lub sij hawm no rau, Lub ntiaj teb npe yog xamphaj li Joe Stecher tuav ib version, thaum Ed “Strangler” Lewis tuav lwm version. Due to the real resentment

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Zbyszko Versus Plestina?


The following excerpt is from my new book Double Crossing the Gold Dust Trio, which will be out this summer. Thaum lub caij ntuj sov (ntawm 1921), the Zbyszko brothers received word that their mother was gravely ill. Making quick preparation, they let Curley and the other promoters know they would be leaving as soon as they could arrange passage on a

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Charles Ntsuab Preps rau Evan Lewis


Charles Ntsuab, Ib skilled Lus Askiv catch-as-catch-can wrestler, Mus rau teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas hauv lub caij 1880s wrestle tus zoo American wrestlers. Ntsuab tau txais nws lub sijhawm rau lub Xya hli ntuj 21, 1889, Thaum nws wrestled American Heavyweight Catch-as-Catch-Can tau zus ib Evan Lewis. Npaj rau ntais ntawv no, Ntsuab muab ib handicap bout nrog journeyman wrestler Bert Scheller nyob rau lub rau hli ntuj lig. Scheller yug

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Double-Cross Gone Wrong


Seb nws yog ib tug double-cross los yog ib txoj kev los mus setup ib contest tseeb contest, Paul Bowser txoj kev los ruaj ntseg ib match ntawm Joe Stecher thiab Joe Malcewicz ze li ntawm ua rau ib riot rau lub peb hlis ntuj 11, 1926. Txheej xwm ntawm lub xyoo dhau los ua tau teev no debacle rau hauv tsab ntawv tsa suab. Thaum kawg ntawm qhov kawg 1922, Kub plua plav Trio ntawm Ed “Strangler” Lewis, nws

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