Beell Wins Title

Fred Beell yog ib qho muaj zog, Tuav kev wrestler ntawm tus tig ntawm lub xyoo pua 20th. Beell gave all the best wrestlers of the day tough contests but his lack of size often hampered his ability with world class wrestlers.

Txawm tias haib ua tau, Beell yog generously teev nyob 5’06”. Thaum nws heaviest, Beell yeej tsis tshaj 170 phaus. While possessing a bodybuilder’s physique, Beell usually gave away 20 plus pounds to his opponents.


Fred Beell posing rau lub koob yees duab hauv lub xyoo pua Twentieth xyoo pua ntawm pej xeem Domain

Rau hnub Saturday, Hlis ntuj nqeg 1, 1906, Beell would give up 40 pounds to the wrestler he respected the most, Frank Gotch. Gotch, the current American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, was the top contender for the world title. Nyob rau hauv 1906, Gotch’s greatness was well established. Fans still argue over whether he was the greatest professional wrestler of all-time.

When the men entered the ring in New Orlean’s Greenwall Theater at 9:31 tsaus ntuj, Gotch’s official weight was listed at 202 phaus. He also stood 5’11”. Beell weighed 168 phaus.

The match would prove to be an exciting affair with an unusual finish. Gotch and Beell spent the first ten minutes standing trying to gain an offensive advantage.

When they did go to the mat, Gotch was on top each time. Gotch frequently tried to grab his toehold but Beell’s short. powerful legs made it hard to secure the hold.

After several failed attempts, Gotch appeared frustrated. When the men would come up to their feet, Gotch would lift Beell and drop him to the mat. Once Gotch dropped Beell on his head but Beell was not injured. Gotch was known to freely foul his opponents to win his matches. He was worse when someone angered him.

The men wrestled pretty evenly until Gotch secured a head scissors after the 30-minute mark. Using the scissors and arm bar, Gotch was able to pin Beell to secure the first fall. The men left the ring for a 10-minute intermission.

hais ncaj ntsaim-gotch

Frank Gotch los ntawm cov pej xeem sau ntawv

To start the second fall, Beell took the offensive and slammed Gotch several times. Gotch appeared to be fatiguing, an unusual situation for the well-conditioned champion. Beell picked Gotch up again but stumbled. Both men fell off the mat onto the hard floor.

Gotch hit heavily with his head striking the floor. Beell wasn’t seriously affected. He quickly turned Gotch over for the second fall. Light heavyweight wrestler Charley Olsen, who served as the referee for this match, tapped Beell on his back indicating Beell took the second fall.

Beell stood to his feet but Gotch remained prone on the mat. Two policemen, providing security for the event, helped carry the half-conscious champ back to his dressing room for the second intermission.

In Gotch’s autobiography, he stated he struck his head on a post. Txawm li cas los, this match doesn’t appear to have taken place in a ring. It is more likely he hit his head on the floor although if their were stanchions around the mat, he could have struck one of those.

Gotch was given twenty minutes to recover. It wasn’t enough as the same two men were needed to help Gotch back to the ring. As soon as the match was restarted, Beell picked up Gotch, dropped him to the mat and pinned him within 50 vib nas this. Fred Beell was the new American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. The best little big man in the business finally had a championship.

Beell would not have the title long as a rematch with Frank Gotch was scheduled in Kansas City in a little over two weeks. I’ll cover that match and give my thoughts on the series next month.

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Tau qhov twg los: The Times-Democrat (New Orleans, Louisiana), Hlis ntuj nqeg 2, 1906 ib tsab. p. 14


Npog shooting los yog ua hauj lwm? Keeb kwm ntawm cov American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship

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