Legend of Chief Two Feathers


Op Desember 23, 1903, Frank Gotch traveled to Bellingham, Washington to take on a 6’05”, 215 pound Native American wrestler from Montana. Wrestling fans in the area considered Chief Two Feathers to be unbeatable. Frank Gotch was not impressed with his reputation but he gave Gotch the most uncomfortable 15 minutes of his young career. Hoof Twee Vere het die

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William Muldoon Promotes Health System


In a testament to his foresight and vision, the World Wrestling Champion William Muldoon was preparing to be a fitness trainer even while at the height of his powers as a wrestler. Muldoon held the championship from 1880 until he retired in 1890. During his reign, he often gave exhibitions to attract attention to his way of training. The Saturday,

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Wrestling Kampioen Drieë Boks


Op Dinsdag, Januarie 19, 1909, Dr. Benjamin Roller, a Seattle physician and pro wrestler who was good enough to win the American Heavyweight Championship, inexplicably decided to try his hand at professional boxing. His opponent was friend and sparring partner, “Denver” Ed Martin, who would win the Colored World Heavyweight Boxing Championship. Dr. Benjamin Franklin Roller was a unique athlete

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Evan “Die worger” Lewis Beskikbaar


I recently finished Evan “The Strangler” Lewis: The Most Feared Wrestler of the 19th Century. Evan Lewis was a skilled submission expert during the legitimate professional wrestling era although he did take part in a couple prearranged matches. In Januarie 1886, Evan Lewis used his dreaded stranglehold on Sorakichi Matsada. According to several newspapers, Lewis attempted to “wurg Sorakichi aan

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Wrestler Saves Drowning Priest


George Baptiste spent about twenty years serving as St. Louis’ resident all-around athlete before taking over the company, Baptiste Tent and Awning, founded by his father Alexander Baptiste. Besides plying his trade as an occasional but accomplished professional wrestler, Baptise was a powerful swimmer. Augustus 11, 1900, Baptiste used his swimming skills to save another St. Louisan from drowning.

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Gotch Wanted Hack in St. Louis


Frank Gotch took the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Tom Jenkins in December 1903. Gotch intended on following up this triumph with a match for World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from George Hackenschmidt. Gotch wanted to meet “Hack” in St. Louis during the 1904 World's Fair. Unfortunately for Gotch and St. Louis, the match would not occur until 1908 in Chicago,

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The Way to Live in Health and Strength


For my birthday this year, I purchased one of my favorite books, The Way to Live in Health and Strength (Koste skakel) by Georg Hackenschmidt. Georg Hackenschmidt set many weightlifitng world records before focusing on professional wrestling. Hackenschmidt would win the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in 1901. Hackenschmidt would reign as undefeated World Champion for 7 jaar totdat hy syne verloor het

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William Muldoon en sy gesondheid Farm


William Muldoon, 'n voormalige New York City speurder, het die Wêreld Grieks-Romeinse stoei kampioenskap deur die verslaan Thiebaud Bauer. Muldoon geheers vir tien jaar voor sy aftrede as kampioen. Na sy aftrede, Hy het 'n lewe as 'n persoonlike afrigter te maak. Muldoon opgelei baie stoeiers maar regtig na vore gekom het nadat hy 'n hopeloos uit vorm John L. Sullivan fit for

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William Muldoon, Physical Culture Legend


I first read about William Muldoon in a biography of John L. Sullivan, the last bare knuckle heavyweight champion. Sullivan ushered in gloved boxing by refusing to take part in any more bare knuckle bouts. The last major bare knuckle bout was fought by Sullivan against Jake Kilrain in 1889. Odds were against Sullivan, a binge drinker indulging heavily between bouts. Hy was

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William Muldoon Uses Long Copy

Hoe dikwels het jy dit gehoor beste kort kopie of lang kopie vir Internet bemarking te gebruik. Sommige voorstanders advokaat kort kopie, sommige advokaat lank en 'n paar probeer om 'n middeweg te staak. Dit lyk almal het 'n mening al. Een persoon wat geglo het in die gebruik van 'n lang kopie vir die verkoop van sy dienste was William Muldoon. Muldoon was

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