Legend of Chief Two Feathers


12月に 23, 1903, Frank Gotch traveled to Bellingham, Washington to take on a 6’05”, 215 pound Native American wrestler from Montana. Wrestling fans in the area considered Chief Two Feathers to be unbeatable. Frank Gotch was not impressed with his reputation but he gave Gotch the most uncomfortable 15 minutes of his young career. チーフ・ツー・フェザーズが入った

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William Muldoon Promotes Health System


In a testament to his foresight and vision, the World Wrestling Champion William Muldoon was preparing to be a fitness trainer even while at the height of his powers as a wrestler. Muldoon held the championship from 1880 until he retired in 1890. During his reign, he often gave exhibitions to attract attention to his way of training. The Saturday,

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火曜日に, 1月 19, 1909, 博士. ベンジャミンローラー, アメリカのヘビー級選手権に勝つために十分良かったシアトルの医師やプロレスラー, どういうわけか、プロボクシング​​で彼の手を試してみることにしました. 彼の対戦相手は、友人とスパーリングパートナーだった, “デンバー” エド·マーティン, 色付きの世界ヘビー級ボクシング​​チャンピオンに勝つという人. 博士. Benjamin Franklin Roller was a unique athlete

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エヴァン “ラングラー” 利用可能なルイス


I recently finished Evan “The Strangler” Lewis: The Most Feared Wrestler of the 19th Century. Evan Lewis was a skilled submission expert during the legitimate professional wrestling era although he did take part in a couple prearranged matches. 1月に 1886, Evan Lewis used his dreaded stranglehold on Sorakichi Matsada. According to several newspapers, Lewis attempted to “空吉を絞め殺す

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Wrestler Saves Drowning Priest


George Baptiste spent about twenty years serving as St. ルイ’ resident all-around athlete before taking over the company, Baptiste Tent and Awning, founded by his father Alexander Baptiste. Besides plying his trade as an occasional but accomplished professional wrestler, Baptise was a powerful swimmer. 8月 11, 1900, Baptiste used his swimming skills to save another St. Louisan from drowning.

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Gotch Wanted Hack in St. ルイ


Frank Gotch took the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Tom Jenkins in December 1903. Gotch intended on following up this triumph with a match for World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from George Hackenschmidt. Gotch wanted to meet “ハック” セント中. Louis during the 1904 世界博覧会. Unfortunately for Gotch and St. ルイ, the match would not occur until 1908 in Chicago,

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For my birthday this year, I purchased one of my favorite books, 健康と強さのライブへの道 (affiliate link) by Georg Hackenschmidt. Georg Hackenschmidt set many weightlifitng world records before focusing on professional wrestling. Hackenschmidt would win the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in 1901. Hackenschmidt would reign as undefeated World Champion for 7 彼を失うまでの数年間

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ウィリアム·マルドゥーン, 元ニューヨーク市の探偵, ティーボーバウアー敗北によって世界グレコローマンレスリング選手権で優勝. マルドゥーンはチャンピオンとして引退する前に、10年間にわたって君臨した. 引退後, 彼は個人的なトレーナーとして生計を立てるようになった. Muldoon trained many wrestlers but really came to prominence after getting a woefully out of shape John L. Sullivan fit for

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ウィリアム·マルドゥーン, Physical Culture Legend


私が最初にジョン·Lの伝記ウィリアム·マルドゥーンについて読む. サリバン, 最後のベアナックルのヘビー級チャンピオン. Sullivan ushered in gloved boxing by refusing to take part in any more bare knuckle bouts. 最後の主要なベアナックルの試合はでジェイクKilrainに対してサリバンによって戦われた 1889. Odds were against Sullivan, a binge drinker indulging heavily between bouts. 彼がいた

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William Muldoon Uses Long Copy

どのくらいの頻度でインターネットマーケティングのための短いコピーか長いコピーを使用するのが最善それを聞いたことがある. 一部の支持者は、短いコピーを提唱, 一部の支持者の長い、一部は妥協点を打つことを試みる. それは誰もがが意見を持っているようだ. 彼のサービスを販売するための長いコピーの使用を信じていた一人はウィリアム·マルドゥーンた. Muldoon was

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