Farmer Burns 发现 Frank Gotch


在 1897, Dan McLeod beat Martin “Farmer” Burns for the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. After the defeat, Burns wrestled part-time as he transitioned into his primary role of wrestling trainer. Over the next 30 岁月, Burns trained most of the legitimate catch wrestlers in the United States. Burns began touring in 1899, where he would both wrestle an opponent in

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Joe Stecher capturing the world wrestling championship from Earl Caddock is the oldest professional wrestling film in existence. 可悲的, 发起人拍摄了 1910 年代和 1920 年代最大的比赛,包括第二场 Frank Gotch-Georg Hackenshmidt 比赛, but they rotted in storage areas. 摄影机操作员拍摄了 Ed “Strangler” Lewis vs. 韦恩“大”穆恩, 施泰尔VS. Stanislaus Zbyszko, and the reunification match

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埃德温 - 毕比

Edwin Bibby and Duncan C. Ross established the first recognized professional wrestling championship in the United States on January 19, 1881. The men wrestled catch-as-catch-can style for the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. William Muldoon was the World Heavyweight Champion based on his defeat of Thiebaud Bauer in 1880. Andre Christol brought the World Title to the United States in the

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在他的书中胡克, Lou Thesz 写了他最喜欢的两个摔跤手之间的竞争, 乔斯特彻和埃德 “<跨度bbox_x =“949”bbox_y“1780”bbox_w =“52”bbox_h =“19”的fsize =“13”fweight =“3”红=“255”绿色=“255”蓝色=“255”阿尔法“” 刘易斯. Stecher 和 Lewis 将成为 1910 年代最优秀的两名合法职业摔跤手. 任何一个人都可以在合法的比赛中击败当时的所有其他摔跤手,或者 “shoot”. 男子摔跤三长, 无聊的比赛

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“农民” 伯恩斯度过了一个完整的夜晚


在 1899, 马丁 “农民” Burns was transitioning into the role of part-time wrestler and full-time trainer. One of his most famous pupils would be Frank Gotch, who Burns defeated a week after this match. Burns was 38 years-old and had lost his American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship two years earlier. Burns blended both roles on a very busy December night in

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