陈查理在巴黎 (1935)

陈查理在巴黎 (1935) 是该系列主演华纳厄兰岛查理陈的另一个条目. 查理是从他在伦敦的调查返回, 当他停在巴黎度假. 其实, 这次假期是为了掩护他对拉马丁银行伪造债券的调查.

查理安插了一名名叫纳尔迪的卧底特工,但在纳尔迪告诉陈探长她所了解到的情况之前,该团伙杀死了她. Inspector Chan is now more determined to catch the forger or forgers. Charlie also ends up helping Yvette Lamartine, played by Mary Brian, who has been implicated in a second murder.

华纳·厄兰岛 - 查理·陈


电影 (友情链接) also starred Thomas Beck, Eric Rhoades and John Milijan. John Milijan starred in 201 films from 1923 至 1958. He was born to Serbian immigrants in Leads, South Dakota on November 9, 1892. He played a smooth talking villain in many of the films.

在这部影片, Milijan plays Albert Dufesne, an artist and playboy, who is a friend of Yvette Lamartine and her fiance.

这部电影大约运行 72 分钟. For Charlie to solve the mystery, he will have to find out how Marcel Xaiver, a crippled World War I veteran is implicated with the forgers. We see Xavier or someone dressed like him kill Nardi at the beginning of the film. Appropriately, the film concludes in the Paris sewers.

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