陈查理在金银岛 (1939)

陈查理在金银岛 (1939) (友情链接) is the third Twentieth-Century Fox film starring Sidney Toler as Charlie Chan. 督察陈和吉米陈, 由Victor森永出场, 飞旧金山世界博览会 1939 作为电影打开.

在颠簸正在吉米很紧张. 同样在飞行是查理的朋友保罗·埃塞克斯, 由让·路易发挥Heydt. 他整理了一种新的为他发行, when he dies. Essex was being blackmailed by the mysterious Zodiac, 一个假想的神秘和精神, and chose to take his life rather than have a secret exposed.

西德尼 -  TOLER  - 查理·陈


Charlie begins to investigate Zodiac, who he suspects of blackmailing other. Charlies is particularly anxious to solve the crime after he promises Essex’s widow that he will catch the Zodiac.

查理是由吉米辅助在他的调查, investigative reporter Pete Lewis, 由道格拉斯·福雷发挥, 和魔法师Rhadini, played by Cesar Romero. Rhadini, a magician who is focused on exposing fakes in his business, has been trying to expose Zodiac for several months.

道格拉斯Dumbrille起着保险调查, 谁可能会或可能不会比他更会出现. He becomes a possible suspect, when he steals Essex’s manuscript during the confusion on the plan after Essex is found dead.

电影运行 75 分钟. The Twentieth-Century Fox films were usually well made because the franchise kept Twentieth-Century Fox solvent for a number of years.

塞萨尔罗梅罗, 谁扮演Rhadini, 出生2月 15, 1907 在纽约市的一个意大利父亲和母亲古巴. 他度过了大部分职业生涯打的拉丁情人, 花花公子和恶棍. 他今天最好的怀念打小丑在20世纪60年代 “蝙蝠侠” 电视节目的主演亚当西蝙蝠侠.

根据维基百科, 罗梅罗的父母遭受了严重的金融挫折,由于华尔街崩溃 1929. 罗梅罗支持他的大家族与他的电影盈利. He was often seen with beautiful women but remained a bachelor. Romero never had any children.

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