
On the evening of June 1, 1879, 圣. Louis Police Officer Charles Printz was walking his beat near 505 Marion Street on St. 路易’ South Side. 目前尚不清楚查尔斯·桑德斯的行为是否引起了普林茨的注意, 或者普林兹刚刚偶然发现了桑德斯. Whatever the circumstances, 普林茨走到桑德斯面前, who had a revolver in his right hand.

When Sanders saw Printz he fired a shot, which missed the officer. Printz attempted to strike Sanders with his club but missed. During the tussle, Sanders was able to get a second shot off. This bullet struck Printz in the chest and he fell to the pavement. Officer Printz would become the fifth St. Louis Police Officer killed in the line of duty.


早期的圣. 路易警徽从公共领域

查尔斯·桑德斯只是 22 虽已年事已高,但已经硬化了, vicious criminal. A member of the Duncan Island Gang, 市政府刚刚从圣保罗释放了桑德斯. 路易’ 因刺伤男子被判入狱 9 个月后前往济贫院. 桑德斯拿了一把枪,前往位于马里恩街的姐夫和姐姐家.

Sanders’ father had recently passed away. 当局认为他打算强迫莱昂和索菲·马丁给他钱作为遗产的一部分. 桑德斯站在马里恩街的家门口,要求见他的姐夫, 莱昂. Sanders was visibly drunk.

During this tirade, 普林茨警官走近查尔斯·桑德斯并试图安抚他. 然而, 当桑德斯向普林茨开枪时,一场混战随之而来. 普林茨从未拔出左轮手枪,因为他的束腰外衣让拔出武器变得困难. As Sanders made his escape, the shot attracted the attention of neighbors.

The neighbors took Officer Printz to Julius Koch’s drug store at Carondolet Avenue and Marion Street. Doctors Hartmann and Yoerster examined Printz, who was already dead. 子弹撕裂了他的主动脉,子弹击中他后几秒钟内就致命了. The 37-year-old Printz had been on the force since August 3, 1872. 他留下了寡妇和孩子.


《真实犯罪》的书籍封面, 老圣的灾难和警察故事. 路易

Sanders escaped St. 路易. 终于, 芝加哥警方逮捕桑德斯 1883. 返回圣. 路易, 检察官对桑德斯进行了四次审判,陪审团最终判定桑德斯犯有四级过失杀人罪。 1885. 法院判处桑德斯四年监禁,但因他在圣路易斯法院服刑的时间而受到赞扬。. Louis Jail.

在 1887, 监狱官员释放桑德斯. 出狱后不久, 桑德斯试图刺死另外两名男子. 陪审团判定桑德斯袭击两人有罪. 法官以谋杀未遂罪判处桑德斯两年监禁.

在这一点上, Charles Sanders fades from history. 他没有出现在密苏里州死亡证明数据库中, 所以他之前就死了 1910. A violent death would not be surprising for such a violent man.

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Sources: 圣. 圣路易斯邮报, 六月 2, 1879, 版, p. 4, 四月 6, 1883, 版, p. 5, 二月 3, 1885, 版, p. 7 and May 10, 1887, 版, p. 2
