插曲 11 – 更正書籍

在這一集, 我們討論作者何時有義務糾正作者之前出版的書.


I have completed the manuscript for the history of the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. 我將在11月中旬發布這本書 2022.


It Was Almost Real 的播客藝術: 職業摔跤歷史播客

Main Content

在研究美國重量級摔跤錦標賽的歷史時, I discovered new information that I could have included in Gotch vs. Hackenschmidt: The Matches That Made and Destroyed Legitimate American Professional Wrestling.

This discovery led me to discuss when you need to update a previously published book.


We also review the May 8, 1982 版 World Class Championship Wrestling on the Peacock Network. We look at the Kevin Von Erich vs. Kabuki main event.


在下一集中, we will be looking at the “小惡魔” Joe Acton’s career in the United States. The episode will be released on Monday, 十月 24, 2022.

You can leave a comment or ask a question about this or any post on my Facebook頁面 Twitter的個人資料.


Gotch vs. Hackenschmidt is available at Amazon in paperback and on e-book.
