插曲 21 – Yusuf Ismail

在这一集, 我讨论了最初可怕的土耳其人短暂但有影响力的职业生涯, Yusuf Ismail.


Endeavor recently bought World Wrestling Entertainment (美国职业摔跤) 并与终极格斗冠军赛合并为一家公司 (UFC). 将工作展览与合法竞赛合并可能不是 Endeavor 设想的好主意.


Yusuf Ismail, the Terrible Turk from the Public Domain


该 “可怕的土耳其人”, Yusuf Ismail, arrived in the United States during March 1898. Ismail wrestled Ernst Roeber (twice), Tom Jenkins, Herklides and Evan “<跨度bbox_x =“949”bbox_y“1780”bbox_w =“52”bbox_h =“19”的fsize =“13”fweight =“3”红=“255”绿色=“255”蓝色=“255”阿尔法“” 刘易斯.

Ismail booked passage back to the Ottoman Empire on the SS La Bourgogne. The ship struck another ship and sank off the coast of the United States and Canada. The SS La Bourgogne is famous for only 13 percent of passengers surviving while 48 percent of the crew survived.

Next Episode

In the next episode, I will discuss the first wrestling matches to include Sumo wrestling in the United States during the 1880s.

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