Þáttur 22 – Bónus þáttur
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Í þessum þætti, Ég og Dan frændi minn ræðum þróun atvinnuglímu síðan seint á áttunda áratugnum og áhrif hennar á aðdáendur okkar.
Við vorum sammála um að glíma yrði að breytast vegna tilkomu kapalsjónvarps. Eitt af glímufélögunum ætlaði að fara á landsvísu. Although they did not necessarily have to put all the other companies out of business.
The emergence of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) would also affect pro wrestling.
Technology would also change society in many ways. Technology, particularly streaming video, affects the current pro wrestling.
Despite how much we may have liked professional wrestling in the 1970s and 1980s, the world is constantly changing and everything has to change with it.
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