Episodi 33 – Episodi addicional Morts recents
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Sí, estem llançant un episodi fora de servei. Amb tres morts recents d'alt perfil a la lluita lliure professional, ara volíem estrenar un episodi extra per parlar-ne. També insultem sense voler algunes persones i tenim una conversa interessant “pumes.”
Durant les dues darreres setmanes, hem perdut “Exòtic” Carrer Adrià, Terry Funk and Bray Wyatt. Both Adrian Street and Terry Funk lived long lives but Bray Wyatt died at the far too young age of 36.
My cousin Dan and I talk about all three wrestlers, the earliest wrestling deaths that we could remember and the effect they had on us.
I also discuss Clarence Whistler, who died at only 29 years of age in 1885.
It is not all morbid talk as we also talk about football (soccer in the U.S.), cougars, la 1998 World Cup and other free ranging subjects.
We end the podcast by reviewing Terry Funk vs. Jerry Lawler in the empty Mid South Coliseum des 1981.
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