插曲 39 – 兹皮希科的双重交叉

在这一集, 我们讨论著名的双重交叉 “Big” 斯坦尼斯劳斯·兹比什科 (Stanislaus Zbyszko) 的韦恩·穆恩和金粉三重奏.


We discuss the podcast and website schedule for 2024. 我计划录制四十个播客并撰写二十篇帖子 2024. 我们每年将发布三到四个播客.


Podcast Art for the It Was Almost Real: 职业摔跤历史播客


在 1924, Billy Sandow decided the Gold Dust Trio needed to promote a new wrestling star. Sandow selected “Big” Wayne Munn, a celebrated University of Nebraska football player.

Sandow’s partners, 世界重量级摔跤冠军埃德 “<跨度bbox_x =“949”bbox_y“1780”bbox_w =“52”bbox_h =“19”的fsize =“13”fweight =“3”红=“255”绿色=“255”蓝色=“255”阿尔法“” Lewis and Joseph “Toots” Mondt warned Sandow against putting the championship on Munn, who could not defend himself against shooters or hookers.

Sandow reassured Lewis and Mondt by saying he would only book Munn against wrestlers they could trust. Sandow’s decision led to one of the most significant double-crosses in American professional wrestling history.


This week we reviewed two wrestling matches. The first is the oldest professional wrestling match on film. It is a Greco-Roman wrestling match from Prague in 1913. The men appear to be shooting or wrestling a legitimate contest.

Gustav Fristensky vs. Josef SmejkalI believe Fristensky is in the long tights with the muscular build. Smejkal wears a signlet top initially but takes off the top during the intermission.

The second match is a film from 1940. This film has commentary and you can easily determine who is who. Cowboy Karl Davis vs. Terry McGinnis.

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