插曲 49 – 狗對戰. 普萊斯蒂納

In this solo episode, 我看著約翰 “內布拉斯加州虎人” Pesek 解決了 1920 年代的兩場促銷戰.


I take the rare step of complimenting Tony Khan twice in the same episode.


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In Lou Thesz’s autobiography Hooker (友情鏈接), Thesz 分享 Ed “扼殺” 劉易斯對約翰的描繪 “內布拉斯加州虎人” 沙.

The facts of this description do not line up with Pesek settling two promotional wars in the 1920s.

I discuss Pesek’s 1921 challenge of Marin Plestina. Tex Rickard signed Plestina to represent him in a promotional war with Jack Curley’s promotional group.

Two years later in 1923, Pesek wrestled NCAA Champion and Olympic Silver Medalist Nat Pendleton. In this match, Pendleton wrestled for Curley’s promotional group, while Pesek represented the Gold Dust Trio.


I did not really review this match but recommended Harley Race vs. David Von Erich in Fort Worth, Texas during 1977.

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