Þáttur 63 – Skipt meistaramót

Í þessum þætti, við ræðum 1925-1928, þegar bæði Ed “Strangler” Lewis og Joe Stecher unnu heimsmeistaramótið í þungavigt.


Caleb, Við Trey ræðum tillögu Dans um að við förum á vikulegt hlaðvarp.

Skotleikur í vinnuheimi: John Pesek and the 1920s Promotional Wars is available on Amazon.

Ég mæli líka með UFC Chronicles: The Baddest Dude on the Planet about the greatest mixed martial artist of all-time, Anderson Silva.


Photo of “Strangler” Lewis og Joe Stecher áður 1928 leik í St. Louis (Almenningseign)

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Stanislaus Zbyszko double-crossed Wayne Munn in April 1925 at the behest of a promotional group headed by Joe and Tony Stecher.

Zbyszko dropped the title to Joe Stecher in St. Louis í maí 30, 1925. The Illinois and Michigan Athletic Commissions refused to recognize Zbyszko’s title win. Lewis defeated Munn on May 30, 1925 as well in Michigan.

Í mörg ár, I shared the common belief that I have seen written several times. Lewis continued to defend the world title like he never lost it. Stecher feared a double-cross from his partners and practically retired the title.

Þó, while researching the book on Pesek, I discovered information that leads me to believe the portrayal of Stecher’s title reign is not true.

I will be researching the divided championship period over the next few months.


I discuss AEW All In, WWE Battle in Berlin, and NXT No Mercy.

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