插曲 63 – 冠軍劃分

在這一集, 我們討論 1925-1928, 當兩個艾德 “扼殺” 劉易斯和喬·施切爾獲得世界重量級摔角冠軍.


Caleb, 特雷和我討論了丹關於我們每週參加播客的建議.

工作世界中的射手: John Pesek and the 1920s Promotional Wars is available on Amazon.

我也推薦 UFC Chronicles: The Baddest Dude on the Planet about the greatest mixed martial artist of all-time, 安德森席爾瓦.


Photo of “扼殺” 劉易斯和喬·施切爾在他們之前 1928 比賽在聖. 路易 (公共領域)

Main Content

Stanislaus Zbyszko double-crossed Wayne Munn in April 1925 at the behest of a promotional group headed by Joe and Tony Stecher.

Zbyszko dropped the title to Joe Stecher in St. 五月路易斯 30, 1925. The Illinois and Michigan Athletic Commissions refused to recognize Zbyszko’s title win. Lewis defeated Munn on May 30, 1925 as well in Michigan.

多年來,, I shared the common belief that I have seen written several times. Lewis continued to defend the world title like he never lost it. Stecher feared a double-cross from his partners and practically retired the title.

然而, while researching the book on Pesek, I discovered information that leads me to believe the portrayal of Stecher’s title reign is not true.

I will be researching the divided championship period over the next few months.


I discuss AEW All In, WWE Battle in Berlin, and NXT No Mercy.

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