エヴァン “ラングラー” Lewis Shows Mean Streak

エヴァン “ラングラー” ルイス, also called Evan Lewis “the Strangler”, was a professional wrestler from 1882 へ 1899. Lewis was the first American Heavyweight Catch-as-Catch Can Wrestling Champion. He was also the first wrestler to perfect the “stranglehold” または “hang hold”, 現代のMMAファンはギロチンチョークとして知っています.

Lewis made his professional debut by winning a 64 man tournament in May 1882. Lewis won the American title in 1887 and held it until 1895. Lewis lost the belt to Martin “ファーマー” バーンズ, who Lewis beat in Burns’ professional debut in 1886.


エヴァン “ラングラー” Lewis from the Public Domain

Also in 1886, ルイスには2試合ある, 当時最も凶暴なレスラーとしての評判を確立した. ルイスは松田空吉とプロレスをしていた, 最初の日本人プロレスラーの一人. Sorakichi came to the United States because professional wrestling was not popular in Japan at the time. Sorakichi was smaller than most wrestlers but he was about the equal of Lewis in strength. As events would show, Sorakichi was not as skilled in wrestling.

1月に 1886, “ラングラー” choked out Sorakichi in Chicago, イリノイ州. リングサイドのファンは、空吉の顔が失血で青くなったと語った. A rematch was scheduled for February 15, 1886 in which Evan Lewis could not use his stranglehold.

ルイスは、ペットの抱っこを禁止する地元当局やプロモーターとさえ対応しなければならないことがよくあった, 人が意識を失った後も、彼はしばしばそれをつかみ続けた.

彼のホールドが禁止されるたびに, ルイスは激怒して飛んだ. マツダ “マット” 空吉はルイスの全力を感じるだろう’ 激怒 彼が空吉に何をしようとしたかは、2ヶ月経った今でも語り継がれることになる. 4月 6, 1886 のエディション Abbeville Messenger of Abbeville, South Carolina carried an account of the match.

According to the account in the paper, Lewis almost strangled Sorakichi “to death” in January 1886. In this case, 地方当局は懸念を表明したが、 “stranglehold”, それを禁止したのはプロモーターだった “stranglehold”. The stranglehold was not Evan Lewis’ only submission hold though.

パーソン・デイヴィスがプロモーターだった, Hを選んだのは誰ですか. C言語. パーマーがリターン戦の主審に. Both men entered the ring at 9 P.M. エヴァン “ラングラー” Lewis stood 5’09” し、秤量 180 ポンド, normal for a heavyweight of this era. Matsada Sorakichi was a couple of inches shorter at 5’06” but weighed 165 ポンド.


Matsuda Sorakichi from the Public Domain

Sorakichi rushed Lewis in a match that lasted only a minute or so. When Sorakichi was unable to take Lewis down, he dropped to the floor in an attempt to roll to a hold. Lewis realized what Sorakichi was doing and grabbed a leg lock.

Leg locks are some of the most dangerous holds in grappling because by the time you feel pain and begin to tap, the damage has already been done to the limb. It does not appear Lewis intended to let Sorakichi tap. He put Sorakichi in a version of a kneebar with the intent of breaking his leg. Lewis only stopped due to catcalls from the fans.

最初に, Lewis was smiling after releasing the hold but his expression changed due to the reaction of the fans. Sorakichi had to be helped out of the ring. 医師の検査の結果、手足の骨折はなかったが、膝と足首の靱帯が緊張して損傷していることが判明した. Lewis offered no apology for what he had done.

25歳のエヴァン・ルイスは5月生まれ 24, 1860 in Ridgeway, Wisconsin. He would have a long and distinguished wrestling career. ルイスは引退してウィスコンシンに戻り、そこで11月に死去した 3, 1919 歳の時 59. According to newspaper accounts, Lewis had been ill for two years.

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エヴァン “ラングラー” Lewis in Paperback

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