
(这篇文章摘自我的新书, Gotch vs. Zbyszko: 寻求救赎, 2月发布 2, 2022.)

影响弗兰克·戈奇职业生涯未来的最重要事件发生在 1 月 11, 1911. Gotch 在她父母位于洪堡的家中与前 Gladys Oestrich 结婚, 爱荷华州.

太太. Gotch preferred that Frank retire from the ring which he had been hinting at since he defeated Hackenschmidt for the world championship in 1908.


Photo of Frank Gotch and his wife Gladys from 1911 (公共领域)

Gotch told Gladys he was retiring prior to their engagement but a potential big money rematch with Georg Hackenschmidt in 1911 changed his mind. (Gotch’s manager Emil) Klank had been trying to lure Hackenschmidt back to the United States for a rematch since 1908. Hackenschmidt refused until late in 1910.

Hackenschmidt rehabbed a chronic knee injury since the 1908 match. It hindered his training. Hackenschmidt trained other wrestlers but did not wrestle professionally in 1909 或 1910. 在 1910, Hackenschmidt started to feel like he could train enough to regain his world class conditioning and wrestling skills.

Gotch returning to the ring surprised Gladys. She told newspaper reporters that Frank told her he was retiring and had not informed her he changed his mind.

The reporter asked Gladys if she would end the engagement if Gotch wrestled professionally again. “No, I would not want to say that, but I cannot say definitely until I talk things over with him. He promised me – but I guess I’d better see Frank.

Gladys Gotch accepted Frank Gotch wrestling for another two years, but she preferred he stay home. Galdys’ wishes weighed on Frank Gotch and affected how willing he was to train and wrestle in the twilight of his career.

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Source: Topeka State Journal, 十二月 29, 1910, p. 5


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