Eugene agost Johann Peter (1908 – 1969)

Eugene “Gene” Agost Johannpeter va néixer al maig 20, 1908, Julius i Bertha Johannpeter. Ell era el segon fill de l'oncle Jules i tia Bertha. El seu germà gran era Julius “Punks” William Johannpeter, Jr, que va volar el correu de Lambert camp juntament amb Charles Lindbergh. “Punks” was seven years older than Gene.

El meu avi, Gilbert P. Ellis, lived with Uncles Jules and Aunt Bertha off and on after the death of his father William P. Ellis in December 1917. Grandpa was seven years younger than Gene, but they got along very well. When Grandpa and Gene reached adulthood, they would often do things together like hunting. “Punks” was fourteen years older than Grandpa, so they did not do as much stuff together. Grandpa looked up to “Punks” though. Besides being a talented pilot, he was also a good athlete.


Julius, Bertha and Gene’s Headstone by Susan Ing

Grandpa and Gene continued to hang out together in adulthood. Grandpa said that Gene was visiting him at the house in Mascoutah. Gene was showing Grandpa a new .45 caliber handgun that he bought. Gene pointed the gun to the corner to unload it. L'avi no tenia un barril de compensació, però desitjava que tenia després d'aquest incident. Gen va disparar accidentalment una ronda, which ricocheted but did not hit either one of them. Però, el soroll de la descàrrega d'ells ensordit per una mitja hora o així.

Grandpa also told me about how Gene passed away at such an early age. Gen havia estat fora a la nit amb la seva dona Evelyn. Quan van arribar a casa, Gen es va asseure a la seva cadira. Va mirar al seu dona i li va dir, “No em sento bé. Adéu. T'estimo.” El seu cap es va desplomar contra el seu pit com si estigués dormint. Però, Gen havia mort.

A l'octubre 3, 1969, Eugene agost Johannpeter morir a 61 anys d'edat. Va ser enterrat en la mateixa tomba que els seus pares, Julius, and Bertha, a St. Peter’s Cemetery in Normandy. Gènica s'ha anat, però no oblidat particularment pel meu avi.

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